Random Picture: Happy Holidays 2014-2015
So it's almost a done deal. A "new" year is right around the corner! I have a fairly long post this time, some game related and some rants. So I'll break it down into sections.
-Game dev related-
I finished the main retopologizing on the witch. It took a lot longer than I wanted it to due to laziness and a bunch of stuff that needed my attention.
I'm currently modeling in details that probably aren't really necessary, but I need the practice since I'm still an ubber nubber.
I'll try to get her done before my Xmas break is over.
-RANTS (not game dev related, read if board)-
--Rice Krispies toys for less fortunate children...--
OK If you don't know what I'm talking about take a look at this first.
Yes - yes, it sounds like an awesome idea. Who doesn't want to see a child less fortunate have a happy Christmas? So what's my problem with the above advertising then?
That kid has like 4 presents already! I grew up poor! And that house hold is defiantly not poor!
So ya, major fail snap crackle pop, on trying to depict poverty in a 1st world country....
--CBSA (Canadian Border Service Agency) AKA: the fucking fuckers who (proverbially) fucked my ass at Christmas!--
So you learn something new everyday. I've heard the stories about items being withheld at customs and duties and fees being rammed down the throats of people who buy cars and other big purchases across the border.
When I started ordering anime dvd's from Crunchy, everything seemed fine. Usually I would get just one dvd on special. It would come in the mail and all was well. I didn't think that I would be charged some arbitrary and random fee at some point.
On black Friday they had some pretty good specials, so I took the liberty of buying some of the full season dvd sets of the series I liked enough to actually own. Since I've never had problems with customs for single dvd's, I'm going to assume that the box with 4 dvd's set off CBSA's "lets screw this guy" sensor.
Anyway, today I got my box of dvd's and was sheepishly asked by the mail lady for 26.70 (rounded). I was pretty surprised in a WTF kind of way. I thought I was hearing things, and then she explained what the fee was about, and that if I did not cough up the money she was going to withhold my mail. She sympathetically told me a story where she got screwed when she sent something back to the US.
Realizing that trying to go against the policy and procedure was just going to cost me more if I started my grievance on the spot, I reluctantly handed her the money. She told me there was a number on the slip I could call to dispute the charge.
I was pretty shocked and really pissed off. The stupidity and ridiculousness of our services and government in Canada have just set a new low in my book...... I've heard the really outrageous and somewhat unbelievable story's about the border service, but this is the first time I have actually had to deal with them. I feel like I've entered the Twilight Zone..
First- Where the fuck do they get the idea they can just arbitrarily tax me at random?! Sales taxes are suppose to be billed at the TIME OF SALE! Billing the person after the fact, leads to double dipping. Not to mention the person is left on the spot for an amount that, that person may not be able to pay! It's called extortion!
Second- How the hell did they come up with 130.00 (rounded) dollars value?! This dose not take into account the actual sale and specials! I essentially got taxed for money I did not spend!
Third- While I don't like having my PRIVATE mail opened by strangers without warrant, I understand that sometimes they need to make sure no harmful stuff gets into the country. However this dose not seem to be the reason they violated my charter rights and freedom. They charged me 10 dollars (rounded) to take the privilege of violating my charter rights just so they could tax me some arbitrary amount!
The way I see it, this is extortion, plain and simple.
I could appeal this, but it's been my experience that if you go along with the dummy system, you end up spending more. Even if you get a "discount", you become a dummy yourself. As much as I hate giving in on principle alone, my time is worth more then 26 dollars that I probably will not entirely get back even if I successfully appeal it...
This rant may not amount to much. But it's been my experience that simply stating your dissatisfaction in a public place often attracts others who where wronged. And is the start of change.
Thankfully we still have (some) freedom of speech in this country.....
Edit: bunch of corrections.