Friday 21 March 2014

Main screen turn on!

Got my new PSU A couple of days back, I was so shocked when the Purolator guy showed up.  I said "holy shit I ordered that yesterday!".  Newegg doesn't appear to have free shipping like Amazon or other big online shops, but their regular shipping is really fast, no need to pay for express shipping lol.  Dev comp is back online and sounds a lot better.

A problem with Blender rigging that had been hounding me for months now I finally overcame.  I asked around and people tried to help me, unfortunately they didn't have any advice I didn't know already.  I looked around and found various tutorials that had what I was looking for but the topics where so old that they didn't seem to apply to the latest version of Blender and the help/demo files where often broken.  The problem was rigging corrective shape keys to auto deform the mesh when the bone changes position.  Surprisingly simple but so complicated when you don't even know where to start.....

So I finally broke down and bought a training vid from cmiVFX called massive mammoth masterclass V2 by Nathan Negdahl  (he's the dude that made the human metarig in Blender, not to mention a whole slew of other projects he took part in). 

Not that I mind spending money to learn something new, but $60 (after all the tax and conversion) isn't exactly cheep for someone that just dose this for a hobby with no real commercial game plan.  Suffice to say I was a tad worried that I would just end up running into a road bock like with all the other resources I found on the net, and the money would pretty much be spend on a training topic that I didn't entirely need to solve my current problem.

Anyway everything is good, I shouldn't doubt Natha's training vids because they are always awesome, and full of really good information, that he presents really well.  I'll look through the rest of the vid when I have time, I'm sure I'll learn a lot more than I already do about weighting and other topics covered in the vid.

I plan to continue work on the heroin that I've neglected up till now due to the shape key issue (I have standards dammit!).  My life is still pretty busy with problems I have to address, but all is well.

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