Tuesday 18 March 2014


Looks like the only thing I didn't buy new for my dev computer is now going the way of the doe doe.....  Such is life... It's only money -_-*......  Getting a new Corsair 850 that's 80 gold certified.  I can probably still work on my dev computer but it shuts down at random when the PSU overheats.  Problem may not be the PSU but its the usual culprit in these cases, I can always use another PSU if it isn't that anyway.

Other than that, haven't had much time to work on my game.  I spent a few hours the last few days getting some skeleton animations in the game.  I learned a kewl new trick in unity on how to apply layers to game characters (objects) that need other frames of animation to sync up with the main sprite body.  This is actually very important for the game I have in mind, and works a lot better than the prototype workaround I originally devised.

Was working on some props, ground texture and grass object when the PSU started it's grievance.  Most of the important stuff got saved though.

Little by little it will get done....  Probably will just stay on my game machine and do tut's while I wait for Newegg to ship my new PSU.

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