Saturday 29 March 2014

Oh ya? OUYA!

It's been a very sleepy week, mother nature doesn't seem to know what temperature to put the heat at.  As a result the weather has been cold and frozen-soggy.  I haven't  really had the energy to do much.

I finally purchased an OUYA off  It's that small android game console that had a really successful kick starter campaign last year.

I haven't really played it that much but some of the woes that people where complaining about are in fact true.

The out of box controller isn't all that great, its kind of flimsy and tends to loose its signal every so often.  This isn't really a major problem since I heard you can use pretty much any USB direct x compatible controller in it's place, haven't tried it out myself though, I pretty much need a USB hub since there is only one USB port on the system.

I have only tried a few games, but the trend is pretty much what people have been saying, most of the games on it where designed for mobile gaming.  Translation, they where designed for a small screen with no controller.

Despite these obvious flaws I'm still interested in making games for this little system.  Not having all the expensive bullshit that the other major consoles have, makes it worth while to at least look into the possibility of developing for it.  I think that this console will shine if it can get more games designed for a big screen & controller.

Unfortunately I imagine this is going to take a while.  Making a good quality game takes time to learn the necessary skills and practice them until you get good enough to use them in a production setting.

With this poor economy the already established game developers, I figure are leery about changing course into unknown waters.  A lot of developers that go though the rigorous (and sometimes expensive) training process prefer to go the major 3 systems/mobile gaming rout, or at lest I assume so.

I'm in a position where I don't mind taking a chance, however because I have a full time job and the economy is so crappy I don't want to take a chance on taking a job with less hours, so I only have so much time to invest into game development.  This problem is probably persistent for more than just me.

Also the evolution of video game consumption is veering more towards hand held.

I blame this trend almost entirely on the economy as well.  If you figure that anyone getting out of high school  is either going to have to get a crappy wage Mc Job or end up in university/collage, I figure these people don't really have the time to sit around at home and play games.

The older generation loves to bitch about the younger generation using all the gadgets to talk to one another, but seem to forget that back when they where young gasoline was  0.05 cents the liter, you could get a reasonable home with just a crappy Mc Job and only one person had to work to support a family....

So to summarize, the OUYA has some pretty big hurdles.

In other news, I decided to retopologize the heroin.  Yes, I know I did this before....  I'm still learning though and I guess you could consider this the wax on wax off method of learning 3d modeling.

I was trying to avoid doing a complete retopology because now I'll have to remake/refit several pieces of her armor.  Mind you that's probably not a bad thing.  My skills have improved quite a bit since I made it and it also gives me an excuse to redesign parts of it.

That's it that's all.

EDIT: removed some redundancy and broke some larger paragraphs into smaller ones.

EDIT Again:  Some spelling and other stuff corrected/clarified -_-;

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