Tuesday 1 July 2014

Goodbye vacation 2014, Happy Canada Day, goddamn ear infection, more sprites more scripting.....

So it's the last day of my vacation (well technically it's a statutory holiday, but we wont get into details).

My ear infection is going down but it's still sore a bit.

Happy Canada day if you live in Canada and or celebrate Canada day.  I don't really celebrate it, but I'm enjoying the extra day off work.

I've been rendering sprites for the heroine at a steady pace.  So far I have 1200 + frames of animation and I still need to render quite a bit more.  Then there are the other character and enemies I need to do.

Programming in Unity is going along fine, as posted previously I'm mostly working on the character controller.  I'm also scripting power up collecting and spawning.  Basically slowly adding game logic to the junk I have in the game.

That's pretty much it.  Work starts again tomorrow so I won't have as much time to work on the game.  I'm pretty happy with what I got done.... Still, I would have loved to have more time to work on it......

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