Thursday 26 June 2014

Scripting, configuring and assets

Despite an infected right ear canal I've been getting quite a bit done on the last few days of my vacation.

I finally got down into scripting and surprisingly I'm doing pretty good.  If I had to use RPG terms to describe my base skills when I first started game development, it would look something like this.

Art:             lvl -10
Music:         lvl - 5
Programing: lvl - -15 (yes negative -_-;)

Scripting was probably one of the biggest hurdles that I felt would be a trial to overcome.  It's actually not as bad as I thought.  I used the camera follow script that came with the Unity 2D demo project as a template and started with that.

Naturally I want the camera to do more than what was in the script, so I went to work and modified it to go in front of the character slightly and when she double jumps it tracks upward movement.  I was surprised at how I actually solved most of the issues on my own, sometimes with a little research.  I'm slowly adding variables to the 2D character controller script and expanding the range of mobility options.

I didn't realize how much of all the free scripting courses I absorbed until today.  I'm still way off from becoming proficient, but it's a start.

I'm currently just working on the heroine (I still have to look for a name for her).  I'm almost finished the animations for the first attack and then I want to make some special animations for the double jump.  I'll keep animating and rendering frames for (hopefully) all the ideas I want to implement with her.

I was going to work on the GUI but Unity announced that this summer its getting a face lift and I have to say I looks a lot easier to work with than the current one they have.  I have lots of other things to keep me busy in the meantime.

I still need a fair bit of art assets for props and platforms.  As you can see in the screenshot there is just some ground and grass.  I was trying to work on other resources while Blender was rendering animation frames, but having more than one instance of Blender open was causing issues at certain times.  One of the main reasons I've started putting what I have together in Unity.

That's Pretty much it for now.

EDIT: I've changed and updated the "Current Projects" page.

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