Tuesday 17 June 2014

Being lazy

Not entirely accurate.  I did make a sword prop today and put together a scene for fun and practice.

Unfortunately the freestyle computations where taking too long so I just canceled the render.  Not a big loss, I wasn't entirely happy with my crappy texture job on parts of it.  I may go back and redo and render it in sections so I can put them together in gimp.  Processing billions of faces in one scene just seemed to overwhelm the freestyle engine.

Ive finally finished the heroine that I've been "power rigging" for the past week.  I realized that I forgot to rig her necklace after my last post.  It was interesting learning how to use spline IK.  I still hate working with bezier curves, but making shapekeys for believable necklace chain would have been unreasonable.... Well maybe not....  At least its dynamic now.

Ive made a set of renders showing her a various angles to commemorate finishing this character.

I rigged the hair with shapekeys.  I could have just made a cloth or soft body simulation, but doing this would have made render times even more painful.  And I would not have the same degree of control.  I just used proportional editing and fine tweaked a bit.  Subsurf makes the transition look smooth enough.

I'm sure that I can tweak more later, but what I have is good enough.  There is a point where you have to say "its done!"

So tomorrow I'm going to start making animation clips for her and see how many rendered frames I can make.  After that I'll get back into Unity and beat my head on the keyboard until I learn scripting.... Or some scripting at lest.....

After that, I guess I need to make more character(s) and finish the witch.

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