Saturday 14 June 2014

Of walk cycles and shape keys.

So its finally done, after months of procrastination I finally rigged the heroine with corrective shape keys.
There are so many things wrong with this walk cycle and render that I'm not even going to try and list them.  This, however was just a test of sorts to see how the new automated shape keys worked in an animation context (also I was so giddy to see this model in action after being on the back burner for so long).  Needless to say, this is not going to be in the game.

So what's left?  I still need to make emote shape keys, hair motion shape keys and the mesh in-between some of the armor joints needs to be rigged and I have to decide what I'm going to do for a texture/color.

I'll probably make a mask(s) for some of the skin under the joints I can get away with it.  I wont be able to get away with the hip area.  If you look closely at her rear you'll notice there is a fairly big "hole" in her pants.  The armor was designed with many concepts that I wanted to implement.  Mobility was a major factor in its design.  Other factors like eroticism and dangerous where also implemented.

To summarize (more like clarify) I can't get away with using a mask for the ass area.  The vertex layout is completely different for the armored pants.  So I'll have to rig the under-armor to make sure it stays on top of the "skin".  I already have corrective shape key bones set up on the body mesh, so I should be able to just copy and edit the names a bit.

I imagine I'll have to tweak as I go along, but over all she is coming along nicely.  Being on vacation has helped me a lot in terms of having the time to keep going at it.  Not to mention I don't have to spend all my energy at work.

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