Thursday 12 June 2014

Absolutely nothing to do with game development: A la politicia (Ontario 2014 election)

So today was the big day in Ontario.  All the people that wanted a job that pays a full pension after 5 or so years of "work" came out to woo and aww people into voting them in.

I have personally had my fill with the current state of affairs.  I realize some politicians are trying to do good, but many of them don't seem entirely motivated at trying new things, and seem more inclined to just win votes.

For years I wanted a way to vote "none of the above".  Due to my lack of enthusiasm and the fact that elections Canada doesn't seem all that keen on telling voters that they can decline their vote, so I pretty much hit a wall looking for answers.  Sadly I had to find out the answer to my question in a new paper article.

This election more than ever, I wanted to vote "none of the above".

In one corner we have (Mc)Wynne who wants to keep shuffling the cards to make it look like they are doing something when in fact they are not.  I like libertarian ideas and feel that they are the way of the future.  But when you have a complete disrespect for others hard work (ie: money), I can't seem to take you seriously. Sorry Wynne, but you lost your libertarian stance a long time ago.

I use to be an NDP fan.  Jack was a nice guy and had the charisma.  Can't say I would agree with all the stuff that stood for, but I did respect his idea of change.  Unfortunately the NDP seem to have stopped preaching these ideals.  Horwath's plan just came off as being a "liberal lite" plan and didn't have the kind of change that I was hoping for.

Despite dim Tim's "I'ma gonna fire all you azzes" attitude, I actually appreciated his platform the most.  At least the man (sounds like) is being honest, and I really respect that out of anyone.  Unfortunately I don't like Harpers far right agenda when it comes to making marijuana "completely" illegal and replacing unconstitutional prostitution laws with other unconstitutional prostitution laws.  Sometimes I feel like the man is just trying to make crime....  I realize that dim Tim is Provencal and Harpo is Federal.  But I still can't see myself supporting such nonsense even in spirit...

The green party?  Well I have just reached my limit so unfortunately they and other no name parties are going to have to suffer for it.

What I was hoping for this election was talk about major change, such as binging up unfair and expensive taxation and at least offering alternative ideas.  But we only get minor tweaks and crap this election.  I feel that the current system is just too outdated and in major need of an overhaul.  That's one of the things I liked about Tim's platform, at lest he was talking about changing some parts of the broken system.  I think that his agenda was a little to abrasive though.  He should have presented other alternatives and modernizations to the current system to make a softer and more effective impact.

Anyway I just ended up declining my vote.  When the political parties talk about actually fixing, modernizing and stop being partisan idiots I'll consider gracing them with my vote again.

EDIT:For those of you that don't know.  Declining your vote is (supposedly) different from spoiling your ballot.  The votes that are declined are suppose to be kept separate and counted as votes that could have been, but weren't.  Basically saying that I have come to vote, but none of you are worthy of it.

I realize that I'm just a single customer in a "sea food" restraint ordering a "cheese burger".  However I honestly feel if enough people order that "cheese burger" the sea food restaurant will take a hint.

EDIT: various spelling errors fixed

EDIT: June 14 2014- added a note about declining votes.

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