Saturday 21 June 2014

Rendering sprites

It's taking longer than I thought it would to render the sprites.  Yesterday I had to do a few things and it took most of the day. Unfortunately I did not have any animation clips set up to be rendered so I feel like I wasted time that could have been used to render a sprite loop.

There are a few touchy things that I'm starting to notice now on the heroine that I want to fix.  But I've already taken so much time already on tweaking and want to start learning programming with my own resources.  It's mostly picky stuff anyway and I'm sure most people won't really or even care to take notice.

One of the reasons its taking so long to render her is because of the sheer number of frames necessary for what I have in mind.  One action, like idle, has 9 frames of animation.  This technically isn't a lot, but I have so many multiple variation layers. And instead of flipping the animation to reuse the same "direction" like many side scrollers do, I'll be using a sprite setup with two unique side views. 

I just realized that this may sound a little confusing to some, so I'll explain it this way.  Lets say you have a knight with a sword and shield.  Usually game developers will only make one "side" and the sword or shield will always be facing the player.  This is done to save time and money.  I understand that most people don't really care or even notice.  But I honestly think it would be a crying shame to go though all the trouble of making and rigging a 3D model for the purpose of rendering sprites, and not bother to use two unique sides.

This pic is epically shabby.......

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