Sunday, 22 November 2020

Is it Wrong to Think the Spanish Flu Didn't Happen?

This is not a new revelation for me, but I came to the conclusion that the Spanish Flu didn't happen the way it was advertised.

I look at the MSM reports on Covid19 and thought to myself, “what happened if all the comments on the 'news' videos just disappeared?” In a hundred years from now could you find any witness that could tell people how it was? It's hard enough to make people believe right now that there is no pandemic. Imagine if you go 100 years into the future and try to find someone that actually was not bias and went out to confirm if the news articles were being accurate.

But what about the photos and journals? We have photos too for Covid19 that would make anyone in the future question any 'flat earthier' that came along and stated that Covid19 was a hoax. As for the journals, I'm sure many people have written epic tales about their struggle with Covid19. The MSM seems to dig up a quack whenever they need to reinforce their fear porn.

Somehow I'm getting more and more skeptical about these mass death events in history. I imagine that people did die, maybe they died en-mass. The Spanish flu happened at the end of WW1. I would not be surprised if people died of starvation related problems. As for the Black Plague, I think there must have been other factors such as starvation that played a role. For some reason I can't help but shake this feeling that people died of poisoning/chemical weapons.

Unfortunately I don't know the answer, I didn't live that time period. The only thing that I am certain on is Covid19 is bullshit.

Sunday, 1 November 2020

8 Outrageous Ideas From A Rich Boy That Never Had To Struggle A Single Day In His Life.

So in my last rant I mentioned Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum.  They (I'm going to assume Klaus) came out with a video titled '8 predictions for the world in 2030' back in 2016.  This video is hilarious as it's obvious Klaus has never had to lift heavy loads to ensure he has food on his plate.  And if he did, he obviously forgotten what poverty taste like.  Anyway, I will be reviewing this video today.


"You'll own nothing. And you'll be happy"

Sorry, but natural law dictates those that have no firm ownership over their possessions are easily manipulated by those that do.  No ownership means you have no grounding anywhere and no investment in any place.

This would essentially render you as a nomad, forever.

Furthermore I'm pretty sure Klaus and other rich people would find a way to perpetually 'rent' their possessions to themselves for the rest of their life.

This would just breed the worse type of hypocrisy.  The minuet that you want to be creative, you would quickly find the limits of this inane model.  I would be miserable in a society like this.


1. Whatever you want you'll rent  And it'll be delivered by drone

As I said in the summery, this shows Klaus has more than likely never had to worry about financial insecurity in his whole life.  I rent a house, not out of choice but necessity.  A few years back I faced the very real possibility of eviction (due to technicality, not because I didn't pay rent).  I got it sorted out but that event was an eye opener for me.  I started thinking to myself "what if the landlord decided to renovict me?"  There is barely any vacancy here, loosing this place all of a sudden would be a disaster.

And lets get back to the personal agency argument, what would happen if the rental person/body/agency decided to flap a particular political wing?  Could they remain impartial?  What kind of consumer protection would there be?  Would they be allowed to just screw everyone over at their own whims?  Dose this governing body 'own' the stuff they rent out?  Who gets to decide what they can rent out?  Can I fix the property I rent?  Can I customize it?  If I make personal modifications so I can actually use the item, will it be considered vandalism?  If I break or damage an item I'm renting do I have to pay a premium?  What about underwear?  Do I own at lest that?  Or do I have to return the rented underwear at the whims of the rental body?  How many rental body's will there be?  Or will I just be stuck renting from the same rental body that has the monopoly?

I could write an entire book on questions related to this topic.  But there is really no point as it all comes down to this: if you have no right to own property, you are just a slave to those that can.

2.  The US won't be the world's leading superpower.  A handful of countries will dominate

While the US has a lot of bargaining power, I don't think their reach is as absolute as it is made out to be.  Don't really understand where they are going with this statement.

3. You won't die waiting for an organ donor.  We won't transplant organs.  We'll print new ones instead.

Yes....  I'm sure you will print them straight from the inter...  I mean covid isolation centers!  We'll call it the ChiNa organ relocation initiative!  Oh and I suppose we'll have to rent those too, right?  And if we fail to make the payments dose the repo-man come at us like in a cheesy horror movie?

I have my doubts that we will be 'printing' organs in the next ten years.

4.You'll eat much less meat.  An occasional treat, not a staple.  For the good of the environment and our health

You seriously want to start a war, right?  I don't care how apathetic people have been during this bullshit plandemic.  Take away their meat and blood will be spilled.

I don't understand how they think they can get around to doing this.  Meat alternatives haven't exactly taken off in popularity.  There is also the problem of pricing and availability.  A few years back I was interested in trying out the cricket flower.  But could not find any, and I'm pretty sure I would have been turned away by the price.  While I imagine we will be getting more alternatives as we get to 2030, I don't see these alternatives becoming the new 'staple' any time soon.

5. A billion people will be displaced by climate change.  We'll have to do a better job at welcoming and integrating refugees.

*facepalm*  Riiiiiiight~........  You should buy lottery tickets since you can predict the future is seems!  Here let me fix your wording...

A billion people MAY be displaced by plandemic made food shortages, wars and maybe some unfavorable weather changes.  Refugees WILL have to do a better job of integrating into the culture that graciously saved them from the problems of THEIR home country.

With that said, I say we house the first refugees, the ones that have the hardest time integrating, in Klauss' mansions.  He's so for it after all!   So why shouldn't he volunteer to be first?  Lead by example!

6. Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide.  There will be a global price on carbon.  This will help make fossil fuels history.

So much fucking bullshit.  Oh and there is that word again, Global.  So I guess your plan is to extort all the budding economy's right?  Or will you just refugee them away?

This is stupid.  Companies are already held accountable if they pollute.  Any pollution is a problem for that country to solve.  Having a 'Global' tax is nothing more than extortion.

If you really want to 'help make fossil fuels history', you can start by making electric vehicles that are cost effective for everyone and are equally robust as their petrol counterparts in both reliability and longevity.  Do NOT focus on public transit, it never works due to logistics and reliability issues.

7. You could be preparing to go to Mars.  Scientist will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space.  The start of a journey to find alien life?

Whatever you say captain rocket!  Oh and I suppose those 'scientist' will be the same bullshitters that shut down the entire planet for the flu, right?  Or to you mean keeping people healthy by refugeeing them into the sun?  

I guess when you said 1 billion people being displaced, you meant the martins, right?  For some reason I can't see earth changing that much in 10 years (climate change).  You should have the honor of housing the first martins!  When they wash their reproductive organs in your glass of brandy, don't fret!  That's just their custom!  Put on underwear mask and wash down that brandy without a second thought!  Don't worry the mask will filter out the reproductive fluids, just like Covid!

8.Western values have been tested to the breaking point.  Checked and balances that underpin our democracies must not be forgotten.

Maybe if some people in positions of power stopped agitating the situation and muting people they don't agree with things in the western world would calm down a bit.  As for checks and balances, we'll find out pretty soon if people want to baah like sheep or stand like humans.  I'm betting humans will ultimately fight to be human when it comes down to it.

2020 The Great Battle Between Collectivism And Individualism.

So the end game is next week, and the race to be the next/returning leader of America will finally conclude (Thank Fuck).

I think everyone has become involved at this point as I stated in my last political post I don't believe that all the lockdown bullshit is a coincidence. I find myself being drawn in due to the fact that I can't escape all the Nazi mandates that the Canadian Govt has imposed on me.

On one side you have Trump that is being shifty as ever and says one thing and says something else the next day. Most of his fan base would probably say that he is just playing 4D chess, but I would prefer if his words were a little more grounded.

On the other side you have Biden, someone that should probably be in a retirement home. Though he seems to do his fair share of flip-flopping, his message is pretty clear: Mask = Good. Lockdown = Good. Fear and hide in your basement waiting for others to 'help' you = Great. We'll “Build Back Better”!

Naturally I want Biden to loose. I care not if Trump wins, I just want Biden to not be in power. He and his campaign represents everything wrong with the current modern mentality.

I find it disturbing that he is using the same 'Build Back Better' slogan as Boris Johnson and the United Nations.  It comes off as a Globalist battle cry.

My hope is Covid will suddenly not be a thing after the election, because if it isn't, we are in a whole lot of trouble.....

New Zealand has reelected the wicked witch that thought it was funny to have people locked up and forced to get tested and vaccinated at her whims, among other draconianly unconstitutional legislation. I feel the majority in New Zealand have forgotten that they are suppose to raise sheep and not be sheep.

The Ontario Govt had put forth a bill called 'Bill 218, Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020'. While it sounds flashy and nice, it essentially just lets the Govt get out of all the shit that they pulled for free by banning lawsuits for anything and everything Covid 19 related.

The pure cowardice of this government is disgusting. I think the Nazi's had more conviction than this. Just the audacity to even try to pass something like this is the epitome of unconstitutional.

The only positive thing about this I can see is that it sort of foreshadows the plandemic farce is coming to an end and the rats are trying to bail and make a getaway. Thankfully we have an independent MPP here in Canada called Randy Hillier. He has been asking all the right questions and I doubt he is going to let this bill pass without argument.

Regardless of the outcome, this is another black mark on the character of Doug (Cheese cake) Ford. I suspect next week and maybe even later we will see a lot of people sell out their 'comrades'. Somebody will take responsibility for all of this.

Speaking of responsibility, I have the itching suspicion that a few rich people are going to be, be made the villains in all of this. I can see George Soros, Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab becoming the fall guys for all of this. No doubt that they played roles in this whole scenario, but I suspect they will be taking the fall for everything, even things that may or may not be related to their actions.

I don't know what is going to happen next week, but I hope it comes to an end and all the other bullshit along with it, or at lest most of it.  Personally I'm going to refer to this moment in history as WW3.

Saturday, 19 September 2020

Game Dev Log Status: Runnin on Empty

So it's been a while since I posted about game development.  My last post pretty much outlines one of the reasons.  The other reason is that I'm back at work.  Needless to say going back to work and having to deal with the bullshit plandemic virus government enforced lockdown measures has drained me emotionally and physically.


I'll get back on the wagon at some point, but right now I expect to veg for a while longer.  I do have some progress that I made before going back to the day job and after I made my last dev log.

A rough model has been done for the previously mentioned project.  There are a lot of things that need to be touched up, so take this more as concept art.  But for the most part I think it serves my purpose.

The last thing I got done was the isometric tileset.  It looks like bland crap and I don't have any internal corners made, but it was mostly meant to be a prof of concept to see if I could devise a workflow to make seamless isometric tiles.  It definitely is seamless and will serve as a good guideline for future tilesets. 

So the only thing left in terms of artwork is to make a few objects to interact with, and some enemy to fight.  I have a skeleton model I did wayyyyy back when, I'll find it and use that for the time being.  I also know I modeled and rigged a chest.  I'll have to find that and use it too.  I'll set aside some time at some point to print out character animations and the intractable objects.  Then I can finally start that tutorial.

Friday, 18 September 2020

2020, the year medicine became political.

So its been many months now since the initial lockdown started, the powers that be are allowing us a trickle of freedom but the threat of a second lockdown is looming ever closer.

Nothing really major has changed since my last post except for mandating masks in all public spaces. Naturally this drove me into a seething rage and I sent another keyboard to the shit hawk buffet. There have also been huge protest around the world, people are starting to wake up and realize that all the number pasta they have been served seems more grand than the meal they have received on their table.

I came to a few conclusions since all this started and why it keeps going. I've heard most of the conspiracy theories about the 'Illuminati' and Gates trying to establish a new world order. While I won't dismiss them (the government declared underwear effective at stopping viral contamination for fuck sakes), I feel they are a tad too outlandish to outright believe. There is definitely a script there, and some of the actors are playing their part well, but I can't help but shake the feeling that it's nothing more than a distraction while the real objective is carried out when those of us that are more observant than the usual are too distracted to notice.

The economic reset. I felt this was the real reason for all of this at the beginning and I sill believe that this is at the meat and potatoes of the matter, however I've become increasingly worried that there is more than a couple of groups or individuals that are going to, or already taking advantage of this situation for their own gain.

At this point I strongly believe that the timing for this 'event' has been to interfere in the American election. While I imagine this event would have taken place anyway, I think it's timing is too convenient not to have been used with the intent of being politically weaponized.

Take the mask law for instance. It's an abortion of rational PPE logic and was installed in the middle of summer when viral spread would be at its lowest. There have been many theories about how it is used to make people compliant and get them ready for mandatory vaccination, to trying to make people own the (plan)demic so that officials can justify killing off the elderly and frail for a holocaust that never happened.

But I think it's purpose is more direct. Quebec has always been enthusiastically anal about ripping off face coverings (especially the hijab,.... and possibly turbans, not racist,.... maybe), but suddenly they have done a complete 180 and now passionately insist that people mask on. So it hit me when the statue of John A MacDonald was torn down, could this be a way to help out the various rioters that have been popping up like weeds during this sham? It makes sense to me since the rioters appear to be politically weaponized at this point.

Speaking of masks, I can't believe just how many people have fallen for this complete bullshit scam. 'You wear it to stop others from getting infected and not yourself' says our overlords, talk about an oxymoron. If that was the case, how are people getting infected still? Everyone I see on my shopping trips have dawned sheep face, with less than a handful of exceptions. People would happily flap their arms and squawk like turkeys if the officials told them it would save their lives or the lives of their neighbors it would seem.

So let me just set the record straight, the underwear people wear on their face is NOT adequate to prevent viral contamination! First off you need a proper filter. Then you need an air tight seal between your skin and that filter, otherwise it defeats the purpose of wearing PPE. “A glove with a hole in it is equal to no glove”, this is the PPE mantra that I have been taught with every job that I had to handle chemicals. Even if you just disregard the 'science', ask yourself, if masks are so effective in everyday situations and setting, why haven't these benefits been discovered earlier? The truth is the real studies found them to be ineffective in everyday use and sometimes even harmful.

Other theories I've been thinking on is how we got the mass initial deaths when this all started.

The First one is about the long term care/nursing homes. From all the bits and pieces of information I gathered the theory that makes the most sense to me is that when the WHO declared the state of emergency all the world governments sent their sick elderly into LTC/Nursing homes to make room for all the sick young people that would have a chance at surviving if they had the proper care.

My mother was in a Nursing home before she passed away and I can speak from experience that, while the care staff there are hardworking, doing a really thankless job, they are ultimately not nurses or doctors. And a LTC facility is not a hospital, they are not equipped to handle people with serious medical issues. One person on social media made the comment that they don't provide 10 foot spoons at LTC, and it downed on me. The government flooded the nursing homes with sick elderly, then declared a deadly virus.

I don't see the minimum wage, ill-equipped care staff taking risks around these people. My assessment is that the LTC/nursing homes suffered such catastrophic loss more to poor management and bad logistics, than a killer virus.

The Second is about the hot spots where lots of people died. As with the first theory I believe most of the death was caused due to poor management and logistics. There is a YouTube channel that is called Journeyman Pictures, they did a short series called 'Perspective on the Pandemic'. In one of the episodes they interviewed a nurse that served in the military. She was sent to New York to help with the crisis. Her account was very disturbing and described how they were putting patients into medically induced comas and then hooking them up to ventilators. This inevitably end up killing the patient. I can partially confirm this as a young man was reported to have died from Covid19 while being put in a medically induced coma by the YouTube channel CityNews Toronto. The article is called, 'Montreal teen second person under 20 in Canada to die of COVID-19' posted Aug 21, 2020.

Thankfully things are starting to look up as I know two U.S. States have found the lockdown unconstitutional. However, at the time of this writing the battle is still being fought here in Canada. Although it's hard at times, I'll do my best to stand steadfast. Thankfully, no matter how insane I think I've become over the last months I still refuse to accept that underwear worn on the face is somehow a viable new solution to stop personal viral spread or that Plexiglas somehow magically stops microscopic airborne particles.

Anyway, I honestly don't know how much of this is real or not, but I suspect we'll find out in the coming months. I'll leave this blog post here and see how well it ages.

One thing is for certain, when all this bullshit is over I'm burning each and every fucking ear-loop mask I come across in this house.....

Saturday, 4 July 2020


So I finally decided to take the plunge and build a new work station computer. To be honest my current computer is still fine, but the current world affairs have left me a little uneasy, so I decided to update things that will need to be updated eventually.

I went with a ryzen9 build and will be trying out Linux as the OS. I don't see myself running into any issues as I only need it to run my development programs.

I've been working away on game assets for the last few weeks for the project I have planned as outlined in the last post.

I'll be using her as the player character for the time being. I was thinking of making this game like Brave Soul (an old action RPG of the erotic variety). But I don't want to get ahead of myself, so I'll stick with the basics.

I have a few more things to work on to make the model functional, then I'll work on isometric tiles.

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Status update 6/2020

It came to my attention recently that tumblr has ghost banned my blog. Therefor it is pointless to keep posting there.

In this time of mass censorship it's best to have another platform. I signed up for a Wix account to try it out since my web hosting finally expired. Wix seems user friendly enough and its drag and drop interface will allow me to avoid having to re learn html. I haven't gotten around to building the site, but will post when I do.

And in game dev news.....

I hit another wall. The problem is I changed the way animations are played from the tutorial I was following and created a new problem for myself. Instead of a top down view I went with a side view and the tutorial uses a nav node in Godot by rotating the node in the direction it's going. I'm sure there is a solution out there, but I'm going to change gears and try another tutorial instead of trying feverishly to solve this problem. I just don't understand the nav 2d node well enough (yet) to start attacking this in a constructive way.

So before I loose my drive I'm going to take step back and work on anther tutorial. This one is a Diablo clone. It has a section on nav 2d and it looks like it implements it the way I wanted to. Anyway I'm going to create custom assets before I do the tutorial that way I can actually release something after I'm done.

Sunday, 31 May 2020


Alright, now that I got my political rant out of the way (see previous blog post), I think it's time for some game dev update news.

I've been back to work (day job) in some capacity since Monday so my time once again has to be rationed.

Most of the basic artwork I need is already in the game. Art assets that I'll need to add are HUD elements and loot to snag (I insist on some furniture too), but nothing as complex as animated characters.

I was debating on how to handle the clothing destruction and how it would effect gameplay. Originally I had the idea to have the guard chase the player and grapple causing clothing destruction progressively, ending the game if the PC has no cloths on. But that would fundamentally change the gameplay and cause me to have to rework the guard AI which is something I don't really want to do in this project.


For now I decided to just make obstacles that will progressively damage the players sneak suit. After the suit is gone, the player will be easier to spot. Basically like consumable armor.

There are some noticeable clipping issues at the PC's hips, this is due to poor deformation and me not using a mask on the players body mesh during rendering. There is also some weird artifacts when looking at the PC's back, I have some ideas what is causing it, but I'll have to look into it later to be sure.

At this point I think I'll keep reverse engineering the tutorial this game is based off. Now that I don't have as much time for hobbies I want to keep feature creep at bay.

Anyway that is it for now.

PS: I forgot to put this is my political rant so I'll just drop it here.

Say no to Communism folks. It's a beautiful concept, but it's just not humanist and fails in practice.

It's time to end the state of emergency and resume parliament.(None Game Dev Rant)

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Friday, 15 May 2020

Ignorance is weakness.

Quite a bit has happened since my last post. I'm still off work due to retarded officials that are too chicken shit to make real decisions based on what is plainly obvious. Anyway I'll go over my game dev stuff before I rant on world affairs.

So far I haven't made a lot of progress on a MVP. Originally I was just going to print out a bunch of large textures that would represent the background/floors of stages. I did this and ended up with a series of pretty bland art assets that was about 7gb compressed.... That is without furniture and other assets that I would have to include at some point.

So I had to go back to the drawing board and decide if I wanted to give up resolution quality for file size. Eventually I saw that the best course of action was to go with a tile set.... lol.... Anyway, the building I modeled isn't a waste as I can use a lot of the materials in the tile set, and some things can be scaled to put into a tile and overall works as a good concept art for what I want. The only thing I'm irritated by is spending all that time trying to make one idea work only go back and make new assets. Oh well, just what happens when you start learning.

So I'm currently making tiles. I'll be rendering them at a birds eye perspective instead of top down because I think it will be more interesting visually.

The rest of this post will be just some recaps on real world events, and my opinion on them. I'll sort of expedite this as I should get back to work on my game -_-;

-Storm Trooper gets assaulted by police-

As many Star Wars fans have heard, a young lady dressed up as a Storm Trooper outside a Star Wars themed restaurant was assaulted by police after Karen and the crazy cat lady called in a firearms threat.

It's plainly obvious they went overboard on the use of force and there is no doubt in my mind that if it had been a citizen making an arrest in this fashion, they likely would be facing jail time due to excessive use of force (no pun intended).

Sadly, they will likely be treated like 'A' list celebrities and be out on the beat with no consequence to their life or lively hood. Hopefully people still call them out on this as nothing will change unless people get mad and say something about it.

I'll say it for the record. If you signed up to be a police officer, then you also signed up for the risk. It's not alright that they compromise our safety and rights for theirs. If a solder did the same thing they did, there would likely be a court Martel.

-Castro Jr's ban on 'Assault Style Guns'-

Purely undemocratic. I don't care what side of the gun debate you're on. We don't make sweeping legislation in a democracy. There is a very good reason why we have due process. He is a complete embarrassment to this nation.

-Mandatory vaccinations and digital health certificates-


-The WHO-Gates vaccine-

I'd tell Bill, but I'm sure he knows where he can stick it.


It's pretty obvious by now that the WHOs' predictions were completely off the mark. We did not see ambulances racing up and down the streets. We did not see ICU bursting at the seams. And we did not see a holocaust of dead people.

Some doctors have come out, namely Dr Erickson and Dr Cahill, to speak out about how the governments are handling this.

While I'm not unhappy that people are asking questions to their credibility, I find it kind of appalling that they don't use the same enthusiasm when the MSM comes out with their own 'expert'.

The rule of thumb for me is to collect information and verify for myself if and when possible. Despite what the critiques say about the two above mentioned, their claims have been in line with what I have seen for myself.

-The statues quo-

Originally I saw this whole 'pandemic' as a way to crash/reset the world economy, which, lets face it, was being held together with monopoly money and was beginning to show signs of a different kind of dystopia if left unchecked.

I still believe that this is the case, however like every cause has its grifers, opportunist and extremest. There are those with less than scrupulous, or even a maniacal disillusion of, 'for the greater good', that will use this 'crisis' to their own self interest. I think for this reason it's time to start speaking up and slam the breaks on this fiasco.

I intend to keep protesting via comments and blog post like this. I intend to sign petitions when possible.  I don't intend to just sit around and let anyone have their way with me.

I feel that the known world has had a deficit of bravery for quite some time now. People are trading their agency to let someone else deal with 'it' or protect them from what essentially equates to being the boogie man. I think we'll be seeing in the coming months just how many brave people are left.

Monday, 20 April 2020

Stealth Game Update

Thanks to Corona-Chan I've had a lot of time off to practice and learn new things. I haven't wasted any time and I'm making the best of it.

I've been going over in my head how I want the game loop to work out. Basically I think I'll settle on a sneak around, steal stuff, avoid guards and reach check point. I think I'll add a timer so players can try to beat their times and a scoring system too. I would like to add a dialogue box too, but that will have to wait until I get the minimum viable product made.

The main character will be a cat girl cat burglar. I have plans to add in another NPC that will act as the antagonist (err hero?), but I kind of want to model the first stage and start getting the core mechanics in place before I spend any more time making extra art assets.

So far I finished two major art assets:

Not a very good render, but it's just an adversary NPC. I'll likely polish it up a bit more later and add extra outfits to create tougher guards, or just guards that behave differently based on the cloths they wear.

This character is going to be the main PC. I learned how to do a stylistic shader that uses several UV textures to give a more anime style render. I still have a lot that I can improve on, but I'm pretty satisfied with the progress I'm making.

My next task will be to make a stage (model a building). I decided that I'm going to forgo modular based assets and model/render the whole stage as a single construct. I'll still slice up parts so it's more manageable and I can use layers that way too. The 'building' will be designed with modular like walls so I can redesign the level if I want.

Anyway that's it that's all for now.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

No taxation without representation!

So I made the “mistake” of watching some news on YouTube. I was met with the prime minister of Canada talking about enforcing quarantine and another article stating that they would put a bill forward so that the finance minister could tax and spend to his hearts content. All because they can't have a Skype conference in this day and age.

When the virus was announced I wasn't that worried. I've been sick before. I treat sickness like a natural phenomenon (rain, snow, wind etc) and just take reasonable precautions. If it happens, it happens. I don't blame other people or start demanding “things” be done about it, I just deal with it.

People are far more scary. While I found the great toilet paper rush comical, the joke seems to have stopped for me when our fearless prime minister starts hinting at using force to insure compliance. Free world governments should not even be humoring propositions like this.

The worse case scenario that I've seen on the virus give a ballpark figure by about 2% of the worlds population. While I don't want to see people needlessly die, this still needs to be looked at objectively. Although 2% would be really bad, it's not going to collapse civilization. The Spanish flu didn't do that, and this won't either.

I have a lot more I could say but I think it's best to end it with this. 1984 is not a guide on how to, it's a warning on what not to do. Safety is worthless if you don't have freedom.

EDIT: I should probably put a citation:

Monday, 23 March 2020

Off work for two weeks.

So unless you have been living under a rock in Nunavut you have probably heard about Spanish flu Mk 2. Anyway I'm not going to bore my/yourself with details as the news is whoring over this like their business depended on it.... Suffice to say I'm off work for the foreseeable 2 weeks.

Before Covid 19 became a thing, I got really sick with a respiratory bug.... Makes me wonder if the virus was here several months before it was reported on. Anyway, I usually don't get sick or very sick but this thing put me on my ass for a few months. I still managed to get my basic stuff done but anything extra like game development was put off in favor of getting rest.

Fast forwarding to just before the Covid 19 party, I wanted to get back into development but the thought of going back to project Mega Max felt like climbing up a mountain and I sort of fell out of practice while tending my health issues.

So yes,... I started another project to get myself back up to speed. Game mechanic wise, this game is just going to largely use the scripting from a tutorial I recently did. I'll try to avoid feature creep so I don't spend a lot of time on this project.

The game I'm working on is going to be a stealth sneaking type of game. I already have characters, visual theme and a narrative in my head. All that is left is going into blender and creating the art assets I'll need.

At some point I should also go into FL studio and try to whip up some “noise” to put in this game.

Other than my web hosting on the brink of expiration, that's pretty much it.