Sunday 1 November 2020

2020 The Great Battle Between Collectivism And Individualism.

So the end game is next week, and the race to be the next/returning leader of America will finally conclude (Thank Fuck).

I think everyone has become involved at this point as I stated in my last political post I don't believe that all the lockdown bullshit is a coincidence. I find myself being drawn in due to the fact that I can't escape all the Nazi mandates that the Canadian Govt has imposed on me.

On one side you have Trump that is being shifty as ever and says one thing and says something else the next day. Most of his fan base would probably say that he is just playing 4D chess, but I would prefer if his words were a little more grounded.

On the other side you have Biden, someone that should probably be in a retirement home. Though he seems to do his fair share of flip-flopping, his message is pretty clear: Mask = Good. Lockdown = Good. Fear and hide in your basement waiting for others to 'help' you = Great. We'll “Build Back Better”!

Naturally I want Biden to loose. I care not if Trump wins, I just want Biden to not be in power. He and his campaign represents everything wrong with the current modern mentality.

I find it disturbing that he is using the same 'Build Back Better' slogan as Boris Johnson and the United Nations.  It comes off as a Globalist battle cry.

My hope is Covid will suddenly not be a thing after the election, because if it isn't, we are in a whole lot of trouble.....

New Zealand has reelected the wicked witch that thought it was funny to have people locked up and forced to get tested and vaccinated at her whims, among other draconianly unconstitutional legislation. I feel the majority in New Zealand have forgotten that they are suppose to raise sheep and not be sheep.

The Ontario Govt had put forth a bill called 'Bill 218, Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020'. While it sounds flashy and nice, it essentially just lets the Govt get out of all the shit that they pulled for free by banning lawsuits for anything and everything Covid 19 related.

The pure cowardice of this government is disgusting. I think the Nazi's had more conviction than this. Just the audacity to even try to pass something like this is the epitome of unconstitutional.

The only positive thing about this I can see is that it sort of foreshadows the plandemic farce is coming to an end and the rats are trying to bail and make a getaway. Thankfully we have an independent MPP here in Canada called Randy Hillier. He has been asking all the right questions and I doubt he is going to let this bill pass without argument.

Regardless of the outcome, this is another black mark on the character of Doug (Cheese cake) Ford. I suspect next week and maybe even later we will see a lot of people sell out their 'comrades'. Somebody will take responsibility for all of this.

Speaking of responsibility, I have the itching suspicion that a few rich people are going to be, be made the villains in all of this. I can see George Soros, Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab becoming the fall guys for all of this. No doubt that they played roles in this whole scenario, but I suspect they will be taking the fall for everything, even things that may or may not be related to their actions.

I don't know what is going to happen next week, but I hope it comes to an end and all the other bullshit along with it, or at lest most of it.  Personally I'm going to refer to this moment in history as WW3.

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