Saturday 19 September 2020

Game Dev Log Status: Runnin on Empty

So it's been a while since I posted about game development.  My last post pretty much outlines one of the reasons.  The other reason is that I'm back at work.  Needless to say going back to work and having to deal with the bullshit plandemic virus government enforced lockdown measures has drained me emotionally and physically.


I'll get back on the wagon at some point, but right now I expect to veg for a while longer.  I do have some progress that I made before going back to the day job and after I made my last dev log.

A rough model has been done for the previously mentioned project.  There are a lot of things that need to be touched up, so take this more as concept art.  But for the most part I think it serves my purpose.

The last thing I got done was the isometric tileset.  It looks like bland crap and I don't have any internal corners made, but it was mostly meant to be a prof of concept to see if I could devise a workflow to make seamless isometric tiles.  It definitely is seamless and will serve as a good guideline for future tilesets. 

So the only thing left in terms of artwork is to make a few objects to interact with, and some enemy to fight.  I have a skeleton model I did wayyyyy back when, I'll find it and use that for the time being.  I also know I modeled and rigged a chest.  I'll have to find that and use it too.  I'll set aside some time at some point to print out character animations and the intractable objects.  Then I can finally start that tutorial.

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