Sunday 22 November 2020

Is it Wrong to Think the Spanish Flu Didn't Happen?

This is not a new revelation for me, but I came to the conclusion that the Spanish Flu didn't happen the way it was advertised.

I look at the MSM reports on Covid19 and thought to myself, “what happened if all the comments on the 'news' videos just disappeared?” In a hundred years from now could you find any witness that could tell people how it was? It's hard enough to make people believe right now that there is no pandemic. Imagine if you go 100 years into the future and try to find someone that actually was not bias and went out to confirm if the news articles were being accurate.

But what about the photos and journals? We have photos too for Covid19 that would make anyone in the future question any 'flat earthier' that came along and stated that Covid19 was a hoax. As for the journals, I'm sure many people have written epic tales about their struggle with Covid19. The MSM seems to dig up a quack whenever they need to reinforce their fear porn.

Somehow I'm getting more and more skeptical about these mass death events in history. I imagine that people did die, maybe they died en-mass. The Spanish flu happened at the end of WW1. I would not be surprised if people died of starvation related problems. As for the Black Plague, I think there must have been other factors such as starvation that played a role. For some reason I can't help but shake this feeling that people died of poisoning/chemical weapons.

Unfortunately I don't know the answer, I didn't live that time period. The only thing that I am certain on is Covid19 is bullshit.

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