Saturday 9 January 2021

Regardless of how future events play out, this is a dark day for democracy.

So the curtain fell this week on the certifying of the next American president. Beijing Biden is set to take the pilot seat on the 20th.

Trump went though all the legal processes available only to have all his cases dropped for technical reasons.

I wouldn't call myself a Trump supporter by any means, but I do believe that he is doing his best for America and was given a really unfair portrayal by the bias, corrupt, fake news propaganda machine we call Main Stream Media.

This whole p(l)andemic has shown me all the shit that was in plain sight but was covered by a rosy sent. There is no doubt in my mind now who is committing Crimes Against Humanity.

Here in Canada we are facing a curfew in some province's, for our own good of course. It's plainly apparent that we are being herded off to our doom. The powers that be are intent on grinding us beneath their boot heels.

During Christmas break several of our dictators went to various warm vacation hot spots wile we freeze and starve during martial lockdown. There are not words to describe how appalling this is. The police seem to be mindlessly following along too.

It is apparent that our court system is either complicit or complacent in all this and we can't count on them to do right by the Constitution. The looming threat of mandatory vaccination is getting ever closer.

As the saying goes it's darkest before the dawn, and I have to say it's pretty damn dark right now. If there was a silver lining in all this, there is a rumor going around that during the massive protest on the 6th a certain laptop was taken from the capitol building. The rumor also states that people working for/under Trump seized it.

Although it's an interesting theory, I won't be holding my breath. Even if it is true, Canada may still just do it's own thing. One thing is certain, it's very dark time for democracy.

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