Monday 23 March 2020

Off work for two weeks.

So unless you have been living under a rock in Nunavut you have probably heard about Spanish flu Mk 2. Anyway I'm not going to bore my/yourself with details as the news is whoring over this like their business depended on it.... Suffice to say I'm off work for the foreseeable 2 weeks.

Before Covid 19 became a thing, I got really sick with a respiratory bug.... Makes me wonder if the virus was here several months before it was reported on. Anyway, I usually don't get sick or very sick but this thing put me on my ass for a few months. I still managed to get my basic stuff done but anything extra like game development was put off in favor of getting rest.

Fast forwarding to just before the Covid 19 party, I wanted to get back into development but the thought of going back to project Mega Max felt like climbing up a mountain and I sort of fell out of practice while tending my health issues.

So yes,... I started another project to get myself back up to speed. Game mechanic wise, this game is just going to largely use the scripting from a tutorial I recently did. I'll try to avoid feature creep so I don't spend a lot of time on this project.

The game I'm working on is going to be a stealth sneaking type of game. I already have characters, visual theme and a narrative in my head. All that is left is going into blender and creating the art assets I'll need.

At some point I should also go into FL studio and try to whip up some “noise” to put in this game.

Other than my web hosting on the brink of expiration, that's pretty much it.

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