Tuesday 24 March 2020

No taxation without representation!

So I made the “mistake” of watching some news on YouTube. I was met with the prime minister of Canada talking about enforcing quarantine and another article stating that they would put a bill forward so that the finance minister could tax and spend to his hearts content. All because they can't have a Skype conference in this day and age.

When the virus was announced I wasn't that worried. I've been sick before. I treat sickness like a natural phenomenon (rain, snow, wind etc) and just take reasonable precautions. If it happens, it happens. I don't blame other people or start demanding “things” be done about it, I just deal with it.

People are far more scary. While I found the great toilet paper rush comical, the joke seems to have stopped for me when our fearless prime minister starts hinting at using force to insure compliance. Free world governments should not even be humoring propositions like this.

The worse case scenario that I've seen on the virus give a ballpark figure by about 2% of the worlds population. While I don't want to see people needlessly die, this still needs to be looked at objectively. Although 2% would be really bad, it's not going to collapse civilization. The Spanish flu didn't do that, and this won't either.

I have a lot more I could say but I think it's best to end it with this. 1984 is not a guide on how to, it's a warning on what not to do. Safety is worthless if you don't have freedom.

EDIT: I should probably put a citation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khIEt51zTo4

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