Sunday 31 May 2020


Alright, now that I got my political rant out of the way (see previous blog post), I think it's time for some game dev update news.

I've been back to work (day job) in some capacity since Monday so my time once again has to be rationed.

Most of the basic artwork I need is already in the game. Art assets that I'll need to add are HUD elements and loot to snag (I insist on some furniture too), but nothing as complex as animated characters.

I was debating on how to handle the clothing destruction and how it would effect gameplay. Originally I had the idea to have the guard chase the player and grapple causing clothing destruction progressively, ending the game if the PC has no cloths on. But that would fundamentally change the gameplay and cause me to have to rework the guard AI which is something I don't really want to do in this project.


For now I decided to just make obstacles that will progressively damage the players sneak suit. After the suit is gone, the player will be easier to spot. Basically like consumable armor.

There are some noticeable clipping issues at the PC's hips, this is due to poor deformation and me not using a mask on the players body mesh during rendering. There is also some weird artifacts when looking at the PC's back, I have some ideas what is causing it, but I'll have to look into it later to be sure.

At this point I think I'll keep reverse engineering the tutorial this game is based off. Now that I don't have as much time for hobbies I want to keep feature creep at bay.

Anyway that is it for now.

PS: I forgot to put this is my political rant so I'll just drop it here.

Say no to Communism folks. It's a beautiful concept, but it's just not humanist and fails in practice.

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