Friday 15 May 2020

Ignorance is weakness.

Quite a bit has happened since my last post. I'm still off work due to retarded officials that are too chicken shit to make real decisions based on what is plainly obvious. Anyway I'll go over my game dev stuff before I rant on world affairs.

So far I haven't made a lot of progress on a MVP. Originally I was just going to print out a bunch of large textures that would represent the background/floors of stages. I did this and ended up with a series of pretty bland art assets that was about 7gb compressed.... That is without furniture and other assets that I would have to include at some point.

So I had to go back to the drawing board and decide if I wanted to give up resolution quality for file size. Eventually I saw that the best course of action was to go with a tile set.... lol.... Anyway, the building I modeled isn't a waste as I can use a lot of the materials in the tile set, and some things can be scaled to put into a tile and overall works as a good concept art for what I want. The only thing I'm irritated by is spending all that time trying to make one idea work only go back and make new assets. Oh well, just what happens when you start learning.

So I'm currently making tiles. I'll be rendering them at a birds eye perspective instead of top down because I think it will be more interesting visually.

The rest of this post will be just some recaps on real world events, and my opinion on them. I'll sort of expedite this as I should get back to work on my game -_-;

-Storm Trooper gets assaulted by police-

As many Star Wars fans have heard, a young lady dressed up as a Storm Trooper outside a Star Wars themed restaurant was assaulted by police after Karen and the crazy cat lady called in a firearms threat.

It's plainly obvious they went overboard on the use of force and there is no doubt in my mind that if it had been a citizen making an arrest in this fashion, they likely would be facing jail time due to excessive use of force (no pun intended).

Sadly, they will likely be treated like 'A' list celebrities and be out on the beat with no consequence to their life or lively hood. Hopefully people still call them out on this as nothing will change unless people get mad and say something about it.

I'll say it for the record. If you signed up to be a police officer, then you also signed up for the risk. It's not alright that they compromise our safety and rights for theirs. If a solder did the same thing they did, there would likely be a court Martel.

-Castro Jr's ban on 'Assault Style Guns'-

Purely undemocratic. I don't care what side of the gun debate you're on. We don't make sweeping legislation in a democracy. There is a very good reason why we have due process. He is a complete embarrassment to this nation.

-Mandatory vaccinations and digital health certificates-


-The WHO-Gates vaccine-

I'd tell Bill, but I'm sure he knows where he can stick it.


It's pretty obvious by now that the WHOs' predictions were completely off the mark. We did not see ambulances racing up and down the streets. We did not see ICU bursting at the seams. And we did not see a holocaust of dead people.

Some doctors have come out, namely Dr Erickson and Dr Cahill, to speak out about how the governments are handling this.

While I'm not unhappy that people are asking questions to their credibility, I find it kind of appalling that they don't use the same enthusiasm when the MSM comes out with their own 'expert'.

The rule of thumb for me is to collect information and verify for myself if and when possible. Despite what the critiques say about the two above mentioned, their claims have been in line with what I have seen for myself.

-The statues quo-

Originally I saw this whole 'pandemic' as a way to crash/reset the world economy, which, lets face it, was being held together with monopoly money and was beginning to show signs of a different kind of dystopia if left unchecked.

I still believe that this is the case, however like every cause has its grifers, opportunist and extremest. There are those with less than scrupulous, or even a maniacal disillusion of, 'for the greater good', that will use this 'crisis' to their own self interest. I think for this reason it's time to start speaking up and slam the breaks on this fiasco.

I intend to keep protesting via comments and blog post like this. I intend to sign petitions when possible.  I don't intend to just sit around and let anyone have their way with me.

I feel that the known world has had a deficit of bravery for quite some time now. People are trading their agency to let someone else deal with 'it' or protect them from what essentially equates to being the boogie man. I think we'll be seeing in the coming months just how many brave people are left.

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