Monday 9 February 2015

The witch which is finished

 Notes: Finally after all that time it's done!.....  For now at least....

So I finally finished this puppet.

It turned out OK, but there is defiantly room for improvement.  I could have added a few emotes, adjusted lighting and a bunch of other nit picky things.  But decided to just stop here since I'm going to redo this one, I'll save time by skipping the tweaking.

I learned a lot by this one and I'll probably have an easier job with the next model.

I'll probably work on the next model or maybe practice some programming.  I still haven't gotten the unity update with the new UI improvements.

I should probably do that now.....

EDIT:  Here is a retake of the above puppet.  I was kind of trying to do too many things with the first pose.

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