Tuesday 24 February 2015

A new chapter in puritan history: Blogger decides to crack down on "porn", on it's pure servers... Along with freedom of artistic expression.

So I'm visiting my usual list of adult game dev blogs and some people posted the new Blogger TOS in the comments.


Considering I only have a couple of 3d art ref images (which I would consider more tasteful then some classical paintings), I have come to the conclusion that Blogger has been taken over by Puritan radicals....

What would be considered sexual?  In some countries, showing an ankle is sexually arousing.

The main problem with these kind of policies is that they are very vague and often the person passing the judgment uses their own arbitrary opinion in this process.

Usually it just means that "might is right", popular opinion is the sum of everything.  For a blogging service that is all about expression, I feel this is a really bad move....

I'll see how it goes, but I have a feeling that I won't be using Blogger to post updates anymore.

In more happier news I'm working away at the next character on my list.  So far the work is progressing smoothly.

Sorry no artwork today, since artwork for sexual arousal is considered unholy by the new Blogger TOS........

If this blog becomes inert I'll be using my website www.zonedoutdragonstudio.com in place of blogger.  It will mean I'll have to work on my web dev skills, which will be a pain, but can't really be helped.....

Edit:additional info

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