Monday 5 January 2015

Well, goodby Christmas break 2014-2015~

My short, but not unwelcome break is over.  The day job is going to take its tole on my body as usual, so updates will be slow as can be...... 

Good thing I don't have anyone "patiently" waiting for my next update!  At least I don't think I do....

Anyway, I finished remodeling the witches hair (yes, I felt it was that bad).  I kept the same style more or less, but the topology is laid out a lot more nicer and renders in a more 2D compliant fashion.

I finished the weighting and pretty impressed how well it came out.  I know I can do better, but it's a lot better than the last model which relied too heavily on corrective shapes.

At some point I have to practice some lighting, compositing and freestyle.

So much work, so little free time......

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