Thursday 1 January 2015

Fuck I hate rigging shoulders! Oh and "Year"...

So I spent all day working on weighting the shoulders on the witch.

It's passable.  It kind of breaks on some of the more extreme poses.  But it stand up well for just your average movements.  No corrective shapes, just weights.  I must have leveled up many times today in weighting shoulders (arguably the most difficult part of rigging a humanoid).

I'll use this model for the current game, but I'll probably remake it when I decide to make a full game.

Anyway Year...  Why "year" you ask?  Well I could say "happy", but a year is a fairly long time and your bound to feel at least some sadness and anger.  So it would be kind of incorrect to just list "happy", when your defiantly going to get POed at one point.

As for "new".  Well I'm pretty confident when I say that it really doesn't feel "new" to me....

So ya, just, "Year" -_-...

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