Monday 20 October 2014

Mesh repository

When I first started modeling I made a file with a bunch of random objects.

The main idea behind this was to practice creating good looking 3D meshes, and I really learned a lot practicing like this.

The file in the image was done a while back and sadly I applied the subsurf modifier in a lot of them, making the mesh "permanently" and unnecessarily dense.

The last few days I came to realize just how useful it is having a bunch of already made meshes that you can append to a scene or tile.

So to summarize, I've started a new file with a bunch of random resources that I can use.  I'm not applying the subsurf this time so the meshes will be lighter and I can pack more objects into on layer without stressing my GPU.  This also gives me the option to use the objects as semi light weight meshes if I make a real time 3D game.

Anyway I'm still working on tiles for the current project.  I made a bunch of tiles that go in front of other tiles to give variety.  I remade The dirt/ground tile to be more module based.  Still have to make some cap tiles though and rework the bridge tile.

I'm finally back into a groove again!

Monday 13 October 2014

How to fuck up your tile sets 101!

Oh the fun of learning with no real course material.  I thought I had it made when I inserted my latest tile set into Unity.  I quickly found out that the bridge sections I made looked a little small compared to the PC.

Part of the reason for this is I didn't plan to add more tiles and blend tiles. 

The problem I made for myself this time is I scaled down the "ground" tile sets to look more appropriate for the size of the character.  Sadly I didn't take this into consideration when I made the new set.  And I can't really set its size higher because part of the tile was to line up with the ground I made which is scaled down (I actually screwed making the texture line up also).....

I feel now think I should redo the ground tile and the new one I made.  I actually made the ground tile set some time ago and have learned a lot more since then. 

Good thing I'm not on a schedule.....

Oh and happy turkey day!

Sunday 5 October 2014

Anime binge watching is fun ^_^

Still in a lazy rut.

Since my last post I made (and still making) tile sets.  I already had some basic ground made but decided that I want a little more to make things look less redundant.  So my building as I go has sort of helped me get an idea of where I want this (stage) to go.

I've also been watching tutorials (may as well, I paid for a subscription) at work during break.  Some of it is entirely new stuff I had no real idea how to do, and some of is stuff I know how to do but learning the same workflow that professionals use is important too.  I'm watching a course on animation basics, and I wouldn't go as far as to say I was doing it wrong, but after watching a few course vids I can see what I can improve on (mainly the polish aspect).

As mentioned previously, I came up with more ideas for the current game, and decided to make a longer game sometime after finishing the short one.  So I actually started writing the dialogue that's been in my head for a while now but for some reason never wrote it down.  It's primarily going to focus on comedy, which will be interesting to see if I can pull it off, still lots of time to procastinate on it since I'm not even done with this game yet.

And in other non game dev related news.......  Been trying out all the new anime series that have come out for the fall season.  Quite a few of them are good and I'll probably stay with them.  One that caught my eye is Karen Senki.

Karen Senki in my opinion is pretty bad, and serves as a good example of what not to do ^_^ lol ok.  It's not that bad, but looks like something that I could throw together with my current skill level, and that's not good because I consider myself a noob still.  A good example of using 3D animation well would be Knights of Sidonia.  I hope I can achieve something similar down the road.... which feels pretty far off since the only thing I feel like doing after work is sitting on my hands and gluing my nose to the tv.

Anyway, I'm going to try and finish the tile set I've been working on since yesterday, no random artwork this time around.