Monday 1 November 2021

Full Tilt


I figured it's probably a good time to make a blog update.

My employment with my day job is still in limbo as the governments of the free world continue to carry out the will of the NWO. I think its been about a month now that I've been off the day job.  Thankfully I wasn't stupid and prepared for potential loss of job and income. Still I'd be lying if I stated I wasn't a little concerned.


Anyway, on to game dev related stuff...

Progress on PMW is going relatively smoothly, I honestly didn't realize that I learned so much during the on and off development training that I did throughout the years.

The last update brought up the game to v3.0 (since I don't have a clear goal with this prototype I'm using whole numbers for each version). This release added quite a bit of animation, and size to the game. Full animation was added for a shotgun and machinegun, along with logic and functionality in game.  I had to create an entirely new set of animations to accommodate the different style of grip the machinegun uses.  I'll have to think of a way to lower the bulk when I work on the actual game.  For now I'm not going to worry about it as changing all those frames of animation and animation logic files in Godot would take 'forever', and I pretty much have most of the memory intense resources I need to get an MVP done.

Currently I'm working on the in game menu, which boils down to working on an inventory and other options that will need their own working systems. So far I got the options menu working with methods to end the game or go back to the main menu. Invoking the menu will also pause the game (Godot makes this easy thankfully). The loading screens needed to be reworked, but I've managed to fix the bugs and now there is good transition between the main menu and the game area.

I'm going to take a bit more time and try to get the inventory working for what I have in mind. I did find tutorials and demo projects that have solutions I could use, but what I really want is something that works like Tetris. While I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, some of the tutorials and demo projects are really not designed for learners and have a lack of commentary in the code to tell the person learning what each function or variable does. Thankfully I found a Tetris tutorial series on YouTube by a guy that goes by the handle GDScript Dude. I'm hoping to be smart enough to re-purpose this into an inventory system when I'm done doing the tutorial.

That's if for now.

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