So in my last rant I mentioned Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum. They (I'm going to assume Klaus) came out with a video titled '8 predictions for the world in 2030' back in 2016. This video is hilarious as it's obvious Klaus has never had to lift heavy loads to ensure he has food on his plate. And if he did, he obviously forgotten what poverty taste like. Anyway, I will be reviewing this video today.
"You'll own nothing. And you'll be happy"
Sorry, but natural law dictates those that have no firm ownership over their possessions are easily manipulated by those that do. No ownership means you have no grounding anywhere and no investment in any place.
This would essentially render you as a nomad, forever.
Furthermore I'm pretty sure Klaus and other rich people would find a way to perpetually 'rent' their possessions to themselves for the rest of their life.
This would just breed the worse type of hypocrisy. The minuet that you want to be creative, you would quickly find the limits of this inane model. I would be miserable in a society like this.
1. Whatever you want you'll rent And it'll be delivered by drone
As I said in the summery, this shows Klaus has more than likely never
had to worry about financial insecurity in his whole life. I rent a house, not
out of choice but necessity. A few years back I faced the very real
possibility of eviction (due to technicality, not because I didn't pay
rent). I got it sorted out but that event was an eye opener for me. I started thinking to myself "what if the landlord decided to renovict me?" There is barely any vacancy here, loosing this place all of a sudden would be a disaster.
And lets get back to the personal agency argument, what would happen if the rental person/body/agency decided to flap a particular political wing? Could they remain impartial? What kind of consumer protection would there be? Would they be allowed to just screw everyone over at their own whims? Dose this governing body 'own' the stuff they rent out? Who gets to decide what they can rent out? Can I fix the property I rent? Can I customize it? If I make personal modifications so I can actually use the item, will it be considered vandalism? If I break or damage an item I'm renting do I have to pay a premium? What about underwear? Do I own at lest that? Or do I have to return the rented underwear at the whims of the rental body? How many rental body's will there be? Or will I just be stuck renting from the same rental body that has the monopoly?
I could write an entire book on questions related to this topic. But there is really no point as it all comes down to this: if you have no right to own property, you are just a slave to those that can.
2. The US won't be the world's leading superpower. A handful of countries will dominate
While the US has a lot of bargaining power, I don't think their reach is as absolute as it is made out to be. Don't really understand where they are going with this statement.
3. You won't die waiting for an organ donor. We won't transplant organs. We'll print new ones instead.
Yes.... I'm sure you will print them straight from the inter... I mean covid isolation centers! We'll call it the ChiNa organ relocation initiative! Oh and I suppose we'll have to rent those too, right? And if we fail to make the payments dose the repo-man come at us like in a cheesy horror movie?
I have my doubts that we will be 'printing' organs in the next ten years.
4.You'll eat much less meat. An occasional treat, not a staple. For the good of the environment and our health
You seriously want to start a war, right? I don't care how apathetic people have been during this bullshit plandemic. Take away their meat and blood will be spilled.
I don't understand how they think they can get around to doing this. Meat alternatives haven't exactly taken off in popularity. There is also the problem of pricing and availability. A few years back I was interested in trying out the cricket flower. But could not find any, and I'm pretty sure I would have been turned away by the price. While I imagine we will be getting more alternatives as we get to 2030, I don't see these alternatives becoming the new 'staple' any time soon.
5. A billion people will be displaced by climate change. We'll have to do a better job at welcoming and integrating refugees.
*facepalm* Riiiiiiight~........ You should buy lottery tickets since you can predict the future is seems! Here let me fix your wording...
A billion people MAY be displaced by plandemic made food shortages, wars and maybe some unfavorable weather changes. Refugees WILL have to do a better job of integrating into the culture that graciously saved them from the problems of THEIR home country.
With that said, I say we house the first refugees, the ones that have the hardest time integrating, in Klauss' mansions. He's so for it after all! So why shouldn't he volunteer to be first? Lead by example!
6. Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide. There will be a global price on carbon. This will help make fossil fuels history.
So much fucking bullshit. Oh and there is that word again, Global. So I guess your plan is to extort all the budding economy's right? Or will you just refugee them away?
This is stupid. Companies are already held accountable if they pollute. Any pollution is a problem for that country to solve. Having a 'Global' tax is nothing more than extortion.
If you really want to 'help make fossil fuels history', you can start by making electric vehicles that are cost effective for everyone and are equally robust as their petrol counterparts in both reliability and longevity. Do NOT focus on public transit, it never works due to logistics and reliability issues.
7. You could be preparing to go to Mars. Scientist will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space. The start of a journey to find alien life?
Whatever you say captain rocket! Oh and I suppose those 'scientist' will be the same bullshitters that shut down the entire planet for the flu, right? Or to you mean keeping people healthy by refugeeing them into the sun?
I guess when you said 1 billion people being displaced, you meant the martins, right? For some reason I can't see earth changing that much in 10 years (climate change). You should have the honor of housing the first martins! When they wash their reproductive organs in your glass of brandy, don't fret! That's just their custom! Put on underwear mask and wash down that brandy without a second thought! Don't worry the mask will filter out the reproductive fluids, just like Covid!
8.Western values have been tested to the breaking point. Checked and balances that underpin our democracies must not be forgotten.
Maybe if some people in positions of power stopped agitating the situation and muting people they don't agree with things in the western world would calm down a bit. As for checks and balances, we'll find out pretty soon if people want to baah like sheep or stand like humans. I'm betting humans will ultimately fight to be human when it comes down to it.