Monday 17 June 2019

Working on Beta

I've decided to stop working on the prototype as it was taking a lot of time doing things that I pretty much already know how to do and figured what little time I have would be best spent working on something that at least looks decent.

The time spent working on it wasn't a waste though as I now have a pretty clear picture on where I want to go with design. I may go back to it to try out some stuff I'm not clear on.

So I sort of finished up the PC character model, it needs a lot of polish, but that can be done later. The shading is done in Blender 2.8, and I have to say I'm really happy with the new rendering engine. Being an avid button clicker I don't care much for how they redesigned the menus in the 3D view port, so I'll probably do my modeling in 2.79 then bring in 2.8 for shading and coloring.

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