Thursday 3 February 2022

Honk for Freedom!

I figured I should update this blog since I catalogue things outside of game dev.

As some of you may be aware a massive freedom convoy formed here in Canada, and for the first time in several months I feel like the freedom movement is making progress.

Downtown Ottawa has been overrun with transport trucks, tractors and other regular vehicles, essentially plugging up the downtown core, and it's beautiful.

The truckers and massive support for them managed to create enough stink to get Erin the tool booted by his own party, I suspect we will get more of this.  And I'm waiting with subtle anticipation.

I have also been attending a few of these demonstrations.  For the record there is no hate or hate groups.  People are picking up their garbage, smiles, laughter, hugs and all round good spirits.  Any media saying otherwise must have found an isolated group or are just lying.

Anyway I'm still working on my game and currently making tiles.  I made a blog entry over at Itch, so I won't go over it again here.

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