So, since my last update, not only has Castro's love child invoked a state of emergency but he has sent a goon squad to the Ottawa down town core to beat up a very peaceful demonstration.
As someone that has been going to these demonstrations I can say that the main stream media's interpretation is complete bullshit. Other than some noise pollution, everything has been fine. Besides this is part of democracy, protest are a thing. Including the ones you may not agree with.
It's almost like the majority of demonstrators are in a competition to out-nice each other. If it weren't for the location and context it would almost be creepy.
We have been tortured for the last (nearly) two years with the bullshit plandemic, we deserve to have closure. Some of us do not want the fucking jab, and since there is a 99 percent recovery rate, this state of emergency and pushing the fucking jab are completely unwarranted.
It's fucking cold down here in Chinada. The weather induces that leaky nose in myself and several others. Everyone is hugging and breathing on each other. Not one fucking comment of bullshit covid in the last 3 weeks! I keep seeing all the same people! No one is dying! And the woke elite parrots have all but shut up about it!
Canada has turned into a bad parody of the Simpsons.
I'll be holding the line with the rest of the Canadians that believe in freedom.