Sunday 3 July 2016

A Tale of More Work-Work

So I'm on my final day of vacation and have to go back to grinding one of the most un-fun games of all time..... But in more fun news~

I'm essentially done (I know the pose is not overly intuitive). I still need a lot of polish and some of the finer details need to be worked on, but I can use this for now to make sprites for the PC.

Yesterday was a grind in learning a bunch of neat stuff about NPR rendering in Blender. I learned a fair bit about materials, textures and lighting. I'm pretty happy with the results and I'm getting closer to what I want.

Today I'm going to work on sprites and possibly some enemies.

I was going to give some short review/thoughts on the spring season of anime and a couple of games I played over my break, but I kind of want to get back to work so I'll leave this post short.

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