So I finally decided to take the plunge
and build a new work station computer. To be honest my current
computer is still fine, but the current world affairs have left me a
little uneasy, so I decided to update things that will need to be
updated eventually.
I went with a ryzen9 build and will be
trying out Linux as the OS. I don't see myself running into any
issues as I only need it to run my development programs.
I've been working away on game assets
for the last few weeks for the project I have planned as outlined in
the last post.
I'll be using her as the player
character for the time being. I was thinking of making this game
like Brave Soul (an old action RPG of the erotic variety). But I
don't want to get ahead of myself, so I'll stick with the basics.
I have a few more things to work on to
make the model functional, then I'll work on isometric tiles.