Sunday, 26 November 2017

Inviting the government to solve gaming industry issues is a really bad idea.

So this has bothered me all week to the point that I felt commentary was necessary. What am I talking about? The whole controversy surrounding EA and loot boxes in Star Wars (EA) Battlefront 2.

The issue started when big game companies like EA integrated mechanics that were initially devised for the free to play model, into full retail games. These mechanics include micro transactions and gachapon style vending.

I won't get into detail describing what EA did as that was covered by various other reporting outlets and indie YouTube personalities. But the part that disturbs me, is about mid week it was reported that some governments were considering the idea of getting involved to regulate/define the gachapon mechanics as outright gambling, “for the childrens” sake. This was met with a large amount of posters cheering and praising the idea.

As you probably already guessed I'm part of the minority that feels it's a bad idea to let the government handle this. While I don't feel that the government is evil, I have lived long enough to know that if the government is brought in, the whole situation will become political. And I have often observed this to generally be a bad thing. Political situations have always brought out the most useless and ugliest of debates on issues that don't even effect the majority of people voting on it. Not to mention that these kind of things always end up being about “the children”.

So the problem is, that people feel if they do abstain from buying bad products it will not change the AAA gaming industry as people that either don't mind paying or are desperate enough will buy it regardless and continue to feed into this anti-consumer model. This of course is false, as it was reported during the week that request for refunds and bad press was having an effect. Voting with your wallet dose work.

The government may manage to tailor legislation to our liking, but I'm very doubtful that would happen as there are too many people in the government with their own agendas.

I feel that angry Star Wars fans are not thinking straight, and fail to realize what inviting the government into the gaming industry means. I think they have forgotten in their hate filled rage that not so long ago the government wanted to censor violent games. In some ways they still do.

The thing you have to realize to see were I'm coming from is that EA games are optional, the government is not.

I can ignore EA but not the government.

I can decide that EA games are a bad deal and not purchase them with no real repercussions. No matter how unfair I feel my taxes are, I have to pay them, or armed personal will come to take my property, freedom and even my life if it escalates to that extent.

And I don't need 50%+1 of all players permission in order to not play EA games.

Anyway that is all I have to say about that.

LOOK!  A loot box!  Just kidding....  Or am I?!  Dun-Dun-Dunnnnnn

So in game development news.

Godot has finally been feature froze. With the anticipated release of Godot 3, enthusiast have been adding a ton of new stuff to it, causing major feature creep. While I love new features as much as the next developer wanna be, it was getting to the point were no progress was being made due to constant bug fixes and revisions.

Now that Godot is feature froze, GDQuest (guy doing the course that I signed up for) can start working on it again.

So for the next few months I'll probably be doing that as well as practice my Blender skills.