Saturday, 26 August 2017

Alright,... Let's take it again, right from the top.

As usual, real life has been busy (a lot more than usual). No real progress has been made in terms of putting out a game, no surprise since I changed game engines on top of everything else.

Since my last post I figured out some of the issues that I was having with Godot, mainly the animation system. Now I'm good with it. It seems that animate sprite and the animator are two independent entities and can work together or separate, but the tutorials I did made it feel that it was necessary to use both. I also found a way to show variables in the editor.

So I'm a lot more familiar with how the interface of Godot works. That doesn't really help me with scripting though, and the tutorials available on YouTube are what you would expect. Thankfully I found out about a course that was in the works. It's being created by a user that goes by the name Gdquest. I helped crowd fund it, so I'm in line to get a copy when it's released. He is currently working on the finite state machine, and it's a concept that I never really learned when using Unity. But it looks like it's going to save me a lot of headaches and problems if I learn how to make and implement it.

And for some sad news warped in some good news, Blender doesn't seem too interested in supporting NPR (none photo realistic) rendering in their new engine (Eevee). I won't be switching Blender versions anytime soon. Thankfully the NPR community seems to be working/trying on a solution for this problem.

That's it for now, so I'll end this with a familiar picture that now has a not-so-familar re-rendering to it!