Wednesday 29 June 2016

Positive News and Not so Positive News.

Hey all, I'm currently on my last week of “vacation” and thought it would be a good time to do an update.

I've been spending my vacation working on 3D art, tutorials and just fucking around. It's not been too bad in terms of productivity.

The last post I came up with a few ideas on what should be my next project to focus on, but I ended up re-evaluating my options and figured that it's probably best to pick a project that I can improve, learn and release updates over time. It's not that I can't do it with the list of other projects, but I felt that their initial design was more focused toward a single release.


Meet my next character. She is a combat/alchemy focused mage. I'm still far from finished with this model, but progress has been steady since I actually have time. There are still a lot of environment props that I need to make and I've been learning many new methods along that way to make them look better and make them faster. I won't give too much detail on the game play side of things, as I'm working out the ideas in my head still. But I think I'm going to go for combat similar to action RPG's with charge gauges. And I want resource farming and crafting too!

In not so good news, Unity announced that it's hiking prices and moving more toward a subscription based model. It appears that those of us that dropped the dime to get a Unity 5 pro licence are going to get screwed..... I'm fairly disappointed with this move and was under the impression that I didn't have to pay anything more until Unity 6 was released. Raising prices is one thing. But now they are changing the rules of how they will distribute their engine.

I'm not sure how this is going to affect me, worse comes to worse I'll just stick with the outdated version of Unity 5 and look for another alternative. Quite a few people are recommending the Cryengine, and I'll probably take a look at it in the near future.

I'll probably make another review post once this anime season wraps up and hopefully I'll make more progress. But that's it for now.