Saturday, 19 April 2014

A simple and boring update on the long week.

Nothing really special to report.  Ive finished re-topologising the heroin, and I'm currently weighting and  readjusting parts of the mesh.

Weighting is so boring and tedious, but I'll try to get it done this long week.

I used my head this time and will weight and edit the mesh before making the cloths.  One of the problems that I had with the previous meshes I made is that I jumped into making the cloths before weighting and rigging. 

This technically isn't really an issue for someone that knows what they are doing and has a lot of practice and esperence, however, since I'm still relativity new to modeling and rigging I often make mistakes and have to correct them, these are often noticed as I'm weighting each vertex. 

Since I'm not going to use a mask for under clothing skin, I have to make sure that the mesh is in its final form, or suffer clipping problems later on.  I considered using a mask, but the heroin doesn't have that much skin that is actually covered :D. So I felt it was kind of pointless.

I'm also thinking strongly on getting RPG Maker VX Ace.  I don't plan to use this to make some of the really elaborate ideas I have, but it would be nice to prototype ideas, and possibly make some "cheap" and "fast" games.

I'll wait till I have a Unity pro license first though.  Even though I don't have any commercial game plan yet, I kind of want to get one before the Canadian dollar falls anymore and have to pay a fortune in conversion costs.  The good thing is that I'll be pre-ordering Unity 5 in the same time.  Since Unity announced Unity version 5, anyone that buys a Unity 4.x license now will get Unity 5 on release.

I'll see how much I have left after tax and conversion, before I decide to get RPG maker.  It dose sound like a fun program though.....