Thursday, 17 October 2013

Just a heads up for "heads up" sake (or in the unlikely event that someone regulars this blog) .

I'm still alive and still working toward making a game to release.

Unity announced not too long ago they will have native 2D support built into their 3D game engine.  This news made me pretty happy.

So I've changed my plans (again).  I realized that I may not have all the necessary skills for all the big ideas I have, so I have decided to work on smaller projects to hone my skills, learn what to do and not to do and gain user feedback.

I'm working on graphics for a plat-former while I'm waiting for Unity to release version 4.3.  Hopefully I'll have enough material to start putting a game together when they release it.

As for the game I'm now working on, I may post some screen shots later when I have more to show.  I have the main character modeled for the most part, I'm working on rigging her right now.  I have a few mock up resources that I made previously that I could probably use, but I still have a lot to make.  Things like background art, platforms, enemies and special effects still have yet to be made.  Sound and music are other things that I'll have to work on too.  I have some basic script knowledge now, but decided to work on it later when Unity 4.3 is out and I have enough resources to work with. 

Hopefully I'll stick with this lol.