Sunday, 22 December 2024

A Look Back on 2024 and Happy Holidays.

Happy Holidays and End of Year Rant


 (Yes I realized that I put 'when' twice.  I'm leaving it there as a reflection of how tiring this year was.)

Hello its been a while. (would have been even longer if it weren’t for that bullshit with the Godot community Moder-censor-ator)

So it’s that time of the year again to look back and reflect on all the crap and (lack of) progress I’ve made at the end of the year. I’m going to break this down into two parts.

First part will be about game dev and the second part will be about world affairs, politics and other seemingly inescapable bullshit.

The Game Dev Stuff:

A small amount of work was done on ‘I couldn't become a farmer’. But IIRC this was just a bug fix and an update to the ‘tug of war’ HUD that I forgot to implement before the last release. Nothing worthy of an update/upload.

Up until March this year I was coasting fairly well. Then various things happened, mostly with payment processors taking a hard stance against ‘porn’. This caused me to reassess the direction my game dev journey and possible direction(s) my career should go.

I decided to work on a title that would be ‘all-ages’ while I cleared my head. But ultimately the damage done by being lumped in together with Only Fans and other real life problems took the wind right out of my sails. (Come to think, I don’t even know if OF was seriously affected by the credit card companies)

I began to procrastinate again. So I decided to try a self made game jam.

This game is using already existing assets that were made for the game that was suppose to come after Project Magi War. It would be based off a game on Steam called Arrow a Row (which is based off of those fake game YouTube adds). It will also share a similar title to the predecessor of Magi War and have similar themes too.

Progress was going good until I decided that I wanted my own custom font.. I had only done a numerical font before so my brain forgot to warn me that there are a lot of other character in the english alphabet.

There was a fair bit of trial and error, some of the tools changed, some of the methods changed. It took me a while to bring myself up to speed, and even longer to model and configure each letter and symbol. But in the end I managed to make a custom font.

This one asset took me about 2 months to make. Not really a waste of time as I wanted to make this asset eventually for that project after Magi War.

With the font finally complete I started working on my game jam project again. So far only some extra work has been done on the UI (mainly integrating the font that I just made)

My game dev has sort of taken a back seat at the moment though, because I’ve been getting preoccupied by 3D printing lately.

That’s more or less my game dev progress for 2024.

Wall - O - Text Warning


The Reflection, Political and Other Real Life Stuff:

Last year I stated that for once in a long time I felt optimistic about the future. I still do, but it feels like this prologue has been very long winded and mundane to the point of me going comatose. I feel like I’m living the meme ‘Why are we still here? Just to suffer?’.

The American election sort of went on without any hiccups. I don’t think we saw any ‘mostly peaceful protest’ like last time. And all the low IQ reverberators of the main stream corporate owned media establishment have become nothing more than mosquito sounding background noise. The crazy woke ‘left’ seem to have blown their load during the bullshit p(l)andemic, and they don’t have the energy to go for a second round.

The vibe I feel is less like the climax to a scene from and action movie and more like a responsible parent (finally) scolding their child.

The next group of people taking up the seats of power in the United States resembles a coalition, instead of a typical conservative government (or Trumpism as the MSM likes to put it). This is actually a really good thing, as I think the typical wedge issues are kind of tone deaf to the real problems that are affecting most of the western world. This also introduces diverse elements like RFK and Elon Musk.

I’m not so sure about Musk but RFK was a really necessary installment. Both the industrial military complex and the industrial medical complex need to be challenged. Both these entities have become undemocratically big, and it’s time to bring them down a peg.

We’ll see what happens. But I don’t think I could ask for a better cabinet to represent the free world.

I’ll just say that I’m eager to see the outcome of what is in store for us. One thing is for sure, change is finally happening. The long painful stagnation is coming to an end.

Here in Canada we are still being dictated to by a crackerjack dictator who’s only power is to humiliate us until our unpopularity numerically matches our massive national debt and deficit..

Castro Jr’s right hand bailed on him just a few days ago. A development I am not unhappy with. Chrystia (Un)freeland’s only skills were, constantly taking in a condescending tone with all Canadians and allowing the government to spend wayyyyyyyyy into the negative numbers.

We will likely be seeing more rats jump the ship in the next few weeks as the MASSIVE housing bubble pops and makes the Japanese asset bubble of the 80’s look like one of those kiddie toy soapy water bottles with the little hoop that is part of the bottle cap.

To throw an ignorant theory to the wind, it feels like Castro’s bastard son is just being left in power right now as a sponge to soak up all the bad outcomes of all the brokenness in the Canadian political system. (not that he doesn't deserve it)

The cuts are already happening, and will likely get deeper and more intense as time moves forward. The bright side is we will see opportunity come back to Joe Average once again, as massive unproductive zombie systems are finally allowed to die and new growth is allowed to flourish instead of being trampled on.

Credit card companies taking a hard stance against adult entertainment is somewhat a surprise. It’s hard to tell what is going on and who is pushing what. For the longest time they have remained natural but now they are taking questionable actions against certain companies that makes me wonder just who is trying to do what.

Not too long ago they decided to stop payments of a dating site in Japan that was directed to Otaku (Anime and game enthusiast). This action was crossing the Rubicon and actually incited a fierce reaction from Japanese government officials. I don’t know what the outcome will be from this, but I’m kind of happy that push-back is finally happening.

It’s very hard to tell who the credit card companies are trying to appease at this point. On one hand it looks like the typical assholes on the ‘left’ purging anything that is not part of the ‘holy’ Only Fans complex and promotes ‘white heterosexuality’. And on the other it looks like the crazy religious ‘right’ thinkers that wants men to put down their rods and pick up a wife.

I’m too preoccupied at this point to even try and make sense of what is happening. If this is an attempt by the ‘right’ to get men to ‘put down their toys’, save the women and children, then I regret to inform them that this will not work.

First off, artistic illustrative works are not the same as porn. Nothing made purely with a ‘pen and paper’ is of consequence to reality, unless someone decides to make it so. And porn creation and consumption is a symptom of constraints and stresses in society.

Artistic work done without the use of people as props (ie porn stars) should not be lumped together with traditional porn in the first place. The main difference is there are (typically) no live actors. Nothing being seen or heard is of consequence as no one is actually engaging in behavior that would leave a lasting impression or harm on that person. Unlike real porn where there are people that are actually coming into contact with each other in an intimate way.

There are numerous ways this kind of art can be interpreted. Blocking or banning is not progress as some stories can only be told by ‘going down that road’.

Yes, you can make reasonable argument for addiction, but it’s been my observation that addiction is not about the vice itself and more a symptom of something else that is broken. (I’ll get to what I feel is broken later)

And no, violent video games do not statistically make people violent or encourage any other destructive behaviors. What artwork can do is enable discussion. Some of the discussion can be uncomfortable, and even put into question things that were taken for granted.

However I see this as a good thing. I think reviewing things from time to time is not a bad idea. If done properly can be a good time to reflect on what has been done and will be done in the future. Important lessons sometimes need a review. The spirit of the law is sometimes more important than the rule of the law. Without reflecting on what is being done, and the outcome. It is easy to lose sight of what the original goal was in the first place.

Second, while I think that being a porn star is a terrible career choice for a woman, this is still a choice that woman should be allowed to make in a free democratic society.

Third, saving ‘the children’ is the parents job.. Society can help if they want. But to maintain freedom for everyone, including the children that will become adults eventually, the parents need to be the vigilant party.

Finally if you want my opinion on some possible solutions, for men to drop their ‘rods’ and get a wife or make women realize that porn is not a peaches and roses career path, here they are:

- Leave fictitious content alone. It’s already categorized as for adults if it contains the typical agitators. And in most cases, is already behind some kind of age gating. Keeping the children away from such content falls on the parents lap. The tools already exist for parents to make their own groups and their own rating boards should they wish to tailor content for their religion, beliefs etc.

- If you really want to stop porn (or make it less popular as a career path for woman), then stop the censorship. Challenge the narrative that sex work is real work. Or that selling your body is stunning and brave.

I don’t know any non – crazy, self respecting man that thinks getting into a long lasting relationship with a woman that has laid with many men is a positive. Make woman realize that when they get older and their youth is gone, that potential husband they chased away with their past behavior is going to be felt in a bad way.

Men who want commitment generally don’t seek out a non-committed attitude. They don’t see someone that sold their most precious asset for a song, as a good thing. They generally see it as a sign of what to expect in their relationship.

I know some will disagree with me and that is fine. Being a former prostitute dose not necessarily mean you will not find a partner and have a good life. The point I’m trying to get at is, a woman's sexual experience is almost never viewed as an asset when seeking a relationship. Experience can be acquired in a less destructive way, and without all the baggage that typically comes with someone that has worked in the field of prostitution.

This is kind of a moot point as establishment media that had the stranglehold on general society is starting to wane. Men are no longer as skittish about stating their preference in public. And all the soy driven MSM crap is starting to buckle under the pressure of logical talking points.

- No more fake DEI jobs. This is kind of a moot point too, as the coming economic crash is going to wipe all this nonsense out anyway.

It’s fine if the women wants to work the same job, hours, conditions as men do. But they should not be encouraged to aim for unrealistic dream ‘jobs’. Or incomes that are not deserved by the position sought or held.

- No more baby daddies. Make child support payments only for the children. Since the woman is suppose to be ‘strong and independent’, then she can pay for her rent, food, cloths etc and her 50% share of the child support.

Men need to feel secure that the woman they are with is not going to bail on them for frivolous reasons and use a slanted system that favors woman against them.

Having a neutral audit system for child support payments is a good way to keep things honest.

I know that opponents of this will cite abuse cases being the reason the man should pay more. And maybe that is a valid point. But the result of the system trying to play referee in practice has just defaulted to throwing men under the buss. If the man is an abuser he is likely going to jail anyway.

It’s the woman’s duty to vet the man they will have children with. Life is not perfect and there will be some cases that fall though the cracks. 50/50 no compromises.

- Free and discrete paternity test. (Already an option in some places, mandated in others)

Men should be allowed to have paternity test available. In fact it would be good if such a thing was not looked down upon. I understand that not having the mans trust can be hurtful, but this is one of the cost of being free and independent. Also if you’re a woman with a man that is on the nervous side of the spectrum, this is a way for you to put his anxiety to rest.

I don’t agree with making it mandatory as that can lead to another kind of abuse. But having such a thing knowingly available should keep most bad actors on their toes and give men confidence that their ‘strong and independent’ woman is not going to make them an ATM for some other mans child.

Paternity fraud also needs to have severe consequences, not just for the real father, but the mother as well. Chad needs to pay up for all the ‘foster’ father lost financially along with the ‘mother’.

Make long term lasting marriage great again!

I could go on for hours, but I’ll just end it here. Most of the woes of society are going to level out in the coming years anyway. So I’m not overly worried when it comes to the interactions between men and woman.

And finally.

As previously mentioned, my free time has been preoccupied by 3D printing as of late. So My game dev productivity has taken a hit. When I finally burn myself out of ‘filament’, I’ll skip back in and probably keep working on my game jam project.

I hope everyone is having a good holiday.

And I hope the opening act is finally over so we can get back to good times again!

Have a great end of 2024 and we’ll see each other in 2025!

Monday, 7 October 2024

Godot and the Crazy Green Haired Power Tripper


(Rambly wall O text warning)

Since I use Godot as my primary game engine, I felt that my thoughts on the matter should be posted on a public forum.

Many moons ago I started on my game dev journey. I began with Unity because it met most of the criteria I was looking for in a game engine.

Shortly after I purchased a Unity 5 license, they decided that things were going too good for them, so they hired an EX CEO of Electronic Arts to ‘improve’ things…. (I know I’m being hyperbolic, but I don’t care)

Unity then changed from a pay once per version license to a subscription. I very much dislike subscriptions as I feel it’s very much like ‘ask big brother if you can use the tools to make your game when he allows you to’. Also subscriptions are a lot like that scene in Star Wars when Vader said ‘pray I don’t alter them further’.

I saw the writing on the wall and decided it was time to part ways from Unity, which was kind of hard as I had just started to become competent in its use. But I figured that it they changed the way people would pay to use Unity commercially, then there was nothing stopping the new CEO from making more ‘changes’. (And yes, I called it!)

So my journey to find a new game engine began. My first obvious option was Game Maker. But dropped that idea when I found out that I would have to connect to the internet to ‘validate’ my license constantly. Freedom of use is very important to me and I want to be able to use my tools without checking in with the ‘parole officer’.

I don’t remember if I tried other game engines, but one sort of just popped out from the rest. The blue robot looked a little tacky but the interface felt decent and there were several tutorials to help me start.

The engine was a good match and it was open source. Which gave me confidence that I wouldn't see another EA sabotage.

As the saying goes, if there is a will, there is a way. And the disturbed, mentally and emotionally unstable, always find a way to make life uncomfortable for those that just want to be left alone.

Last week my feed on YouTube was getting folded with news of a ‘community manager’ flexing their authority to ban and silence those that they deem below them.

So to summarize what I learned:

-The ‘community manager’ for the official Godot Twitter account posted a politically ‘Left’ leaning comment as a reply to a totally unrelated post on another Twitter account.

-The ‘community manager’ started a banning spree, not only banning members for ‘hateful comments’, but also banning members for simple criticism such as request to stop bringing up wedge political issues on a game engine forum.

-An unofficial account for Godot on Discord had problems too as a moderator partook in similar activity for similar criticism.

-This kind of ‘over moderation’ has been going on for quite some time, and current events just happen to be the straw that broke the camels back.

The Godot ‘spokesman’ would then respond to the controversy with a non-apology, apology.

So basically a hateful and spiteful individual that enjoys hiding behind the ‘rainbow shield’ kept their job and the victimized have to go through a somewhat time consuming and arguably invasive process to get themselves un-banned. Assuming they are even allowed to be un-banned….

As a full supporter of free speech I find the official statement to be disheartening. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if someone really supports obvious bad policies in the name of social justice, or they are just too much a coward to stand up to the bully (yes this is bullying, I don’t care if it’s in the name of goodness and justness). Having lived through the bullshit p(l)andemic I’m leaning on the latter. People become stupid and cowardly when they face potential ostracization from the collective.

I learned a long time ago that you don’t win arguments by banning people you don’t agree with. You put forth your best argument in the most coherent and simple to understand way. A lot of times I can tell when I can’t change the mind of the person I’m arguing with, but that doesn't stop me from putting forth my best arguments and supporting facts. If anything it lets anyone else that is ‘listening’ in on the conversation to hear my take on things and understand where I am coming from.

Squelching and banning have become far too common method of silencing rational people. It’s hilarious that these people that get offended so easily in the online sphere somehow manage to find the ignore button when they are the ones in power, but complain that they are powerless to personalty silence people the don’t want to hear. Most social media allow the end user to personally block a user that they do not want to listen to.

It’s very obvious that these people are just using the protected status of the various ‘minority’ groups to get their jolly’s by harassing the people they don’t like. They quickly check off all the boxes, arise to power and then bully others. They enter spaces of hobbies and activities that they obviously don’t care for and once they get in, start forcing change through coercion and intimidation. If they actually cared for the hobbies and activities they become a part of, their mindset would be very different. Game doesn't have enough ‘representation’? Make your own game (and I’m not saying this to be an ass. I really mean it). Personally I think that 99 percent of these people just want the attention. They don’t care what kind it is.

I believe that these people are not only, not helping the minority groups they claim to be a part of, but they are actually causing more damage long term. The type of behavior that is being allowed to pass is outright antagonistic, at some point the dam is going to break. Public opinion will shift and it will likely shift very quickly. No one if going to remember the quiet gay couple that just wanted to be left alone. Instead they are going to remember the abuse they suffered at the hands of the multi color haired, emotionally unstable crazy person that claimed to be a part of that group and all the supporters that enabled these people to enact this abuse. Their real opponents will take full advantage of the situation to push their own agenda.

One thing is for sure, the Godot dev team needlessly tarnished their reputation for the sake of the colorful haired, emotionally unstable power tripper.

If it were me, I would have let the community manager go, apologized for the senseless and hurtful banning’s, then un-ban everyone and pick up the pieces later.

For the time being I will continue to use Godot. The reasons for this is:

-It is very difficult to just change engines on the fly. The next engine I pick up will probably be easier to use as I’m getting more proficient in general, but I still don’t feel like starting from square one right now.

-The problems seem to be isolated to their social media for the time being. I don’t overly care for Twitter in general, and as long as I can ask question and get help, this wont effect me directly.   (Also I'm banned on Twitter...)

-There will always be bad days. Not one company exists that has had a clean run with no issues. No matter where you run, problems will always find you. If you lose your cool every time something happens, you will be running forever.

A fork of Godot called Redot gained a fair amount of renown during all of this. I won’t jump on it right away for the above reasons. But I will follow its development with interest.

I won’t comment on the unofficial Discord and the other unhinged crazy over there. Even though the Discord was used somewhat officially at one point, it has been let loose and replaced with an official outlet to the best of my knowledge. But I imagine you will probably know how I feel on the topic regardless the lack of commentary.…

Anyway that’s all I got to say on that.

Sunday, 7 April 2024

The Overreach of Payment Processors and the Future of NSFW Content.


Wall O Text Warning  


TL/DR: Catering to peoples sensibilities, weather on the right or the left makes everything rigid, bland and miserable.  And will ultimately effect how much personal freedom I have to illustrate what I want.

Even though I don’t have much of a following, I believe that silence is one of the greatest enablers of tyranny. So I will speak, even if it’s just into an empty void.


Over the past few weeks I’ve been hearing a fair bit about payment processors, namely MasterCard and Visa doing full crackdowns on NSFW artiest. This has caused several middle men like Patreon and Gumroad, places I considered using to fund my future game development journey, to toe the de-fund the anime tiddies line. I believe the justifications given for this change is to save ‘the children’ (how original).

While crack downs on ‘immoral' words, thoughts and arts like this is nothing new, I have the feeling we as artiest and customers are heading for a showdown between freedom of artistic expression/consumption to a new revisiting of shaming people who like strange different things and ‘dangerous’ thoughts that some would try to convince you is outside the sphere of ‘normal’.  IE: it's not popular and it makes some people feel uncomfortable, so let's ban it.

The reason I believe this time is different, is I have been observing an ever growing trend since the start and end of the state of emergency over the last 4ish years. There has been a very visible uptick in the tired old trend of ‘won’t someone please think of the children?!’. The crazy woke left has lost a lot of political and social pull over this time and the power vacuum has begun to fill with the crazy religious right. A trend I believe is intentional and motivated by the same bad actors who profit greatly by having people fight with each other, all while they rob them from their blind spot.

At any rate, I don’t feel like going down too many rabbit holes about the inner clockwork that has brought about this change, and simply want to just state my case to why I feel this will lead to nothing good.

The arguments usually given, is for the well being of ‘the children’ and in some cases (if they can shoehorn it in) women too. Its been my observation all throughout my life that when someone brings up women and children as a reason or defense in an argument, they often don’t have any solid ground to impose their claims. This is a very dirty tactic as they know most people deep down do not wish harm on the vulnerable, and don’t want to be seen by their peers as such.

Thankfully we have a wonderful tool called the internet. And while some people may think the internet was a mistake, I feel this is by far the greatest of weapons against tyranny that any single person can use. In the past one would have to worry about getting stoned in the street, but on here we can say what we want without fear of such reprisal in most cases.

Anyway the idea that anime characters drawn on digital paper causes harm to the aforementioned is absurd. The most convincing arguments that I heard are:


‘It makes people violent criminals’. No it does not. This is the same argument as violent video games (music, books, etc) make people violent/do criminal acts. This is as easy to disprove as looking at the sales figures for games like Grand Theft Auto. If there were any reasonable backing for the above claim, we would be in serious trouble given the sheer popularity of the above mentioned title. Besides, there is no social activity without sin. Every social activity that has ever been done, has at one time been used as a proxy for someones bad conduct. The only reason this argument has any social standing is because video games are a relatively new medium.

‘It corrupts the minds of people, especially the CHILDREN!’. When you decided to have children you should have done a cost/work analysis. A lot of us that indulge in NSFW content often do so BECAUSE we have done the cost/work analysis. Your job as a parent is to keep your child from wandering off into places you don’t want them in. Producers, Customers and Vendors usually put tags and labels on these kind of things. This, I honestly see as a courtesy because it has never been easier for someone to read a review or do a search on anything, enabling the end user great freedom to curate their own lives to the finest detail.

There is no excuse for letting your child run around unsupervised. They do not need to wander around the internet and they do not need a smartphone with full internet access. If you provided it for them, you police their conduct. Your child will grow up in a few years anyway, it is nonsensical to think we should make far sweeping changes for an issue that will remedy itself in that time. And for all you know, at some point sanctions like this may even impede your, now grown up child's, adult life.

I grew up in a time period were parents would plop their kids in front of an R rated slasher film. The world did not come to an end and most of us did not grow up to become Freddy Kruger. I may be going out on a limb here, but I’m fairly certain your child will survive in the unfortunate event of seeing anime titties, should your valiant efforts as a care giver and guardian fails.

The next argument(s) I often hear are more specific to anime styled artwork. Whereas it is often cited that characters look too young, and thus must be children (and yes I’m getting tired of typing this word). And because of this, the story that has this art style attached to it, warps and twists into something that will cause the end of civilization.. Unless you are writing the next installment of the Game of Thrones series.. (I guess because George doesn't use the anime art style he can get away with everything)

There is also character archetypes used that employ traits often found in children (typically referred to as ‘loli’). Although these traits can be used to illustrate a child character, more often than not, they are less about the characters age and more about portraying a character with exceptional vulnerability or very defined immature mental traits.

The opponents of anime artwork will also claim that depicting a child character in a violent/degrading situation will create ‘problems’. Most stories that use elements like this I feel the author is actually trying to make the viewer uncomfortable. I believe it is similar to the horror genre, you are not suppose to be ‘happy’ or ‘comfortable’. And more often than not, it actually works.  Some people appreciate these bitter emotions.

At any rate, the only 'problems' I've personally observed is people acting irrational an immature because they  can't handle their own mental state.  Most of the time I believe this behavior is caused by the viewers own guilt.  As they feel they may have crossed the line, they frantically throw everyone else under the metaphorical buss in an attempt to somehow exonerate themselves of, supposed 'wrong thinking'.

Despite popular belief, adult women come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes the author is just filling the void with diversity (yes, actual diversity). And it is just the viewers jealous ego and dirty mind filling in the imaginary blanks, or trying to prove or dis-prove ‘something’ to someone.

None of the claims I’ve heard are rationally backed. And if you removed the social discomfort, all complaints would quickly become non-issues. And if they personally feel uncomfortable, the best solution is to leave the room and respect those that are not scared to be uncomfortable.


While I’m only doing this as a side hobby for the time being, having limited means to get funding will influence what path I take as a game developer moving forward.

I can’t remember if I mentioned this before, but this current game is actually an edited down version of a game I wanted to make previously.

That game was suppose to be a full fledged farming sim, complete with everything you have come to expect from this genre. The monster girls part was going to be a part-time or full-time profession that your player character could do to earn a living along with farming crops. The monster girls would also be a common part of the story, with several scenes already written in my mind and character interactions including them as an intricate part of the story.

This project took the monster girl ‘job’ part of that game and made it a stand alone experience. This cropped the massive project I had in mind to a more manageable scope, with the limited time I had available to work on game dev. It also provided me with much needed practice with programming using the Godot engine.  I was hoping to get much needed feedback as well.

My original goal was to get the game to a state were I could periodically update it with new items, monster girls and areas. Then I was hoping to start getting some funding via subscription based sites like Patreon. If the money coming in was good, I’d start making plans to do game dev full-time.  Being able to work on game dev full-time would enable me to work on this game and work on other games in the background.

Unfortunately that’s kind of a pipe dream at this point, and I only have so much time to invest. Unless there is a significant change in the course that the payment processors are taking or a viable alternative appears, I’ll have to change course myself if I intend to make game dev my next day job.

So unless something major happens, I will be getting this game to the next release (full gameplay loop). After that I’ll likely start working on the original concept I had in mind, as unlike this game that game can be made SFW. Unfortunate though, as I wanted to graphically illustrate the love and romance with the various marriageable characters. There are also a lot of other things I’ll have to censor, from no on and the foreseeable future....

Suffice to say, things look very depressing to me right now.  As there will never be an end to the demands for censorship, me and many other creators will live under the jackboots of constant fear of being de-funded.

This showdown was bound to happen sooner or later.  Some developers/publishers employed the use of splash screens, making various nonsensical statements such as the fictional characters 'are over 18', which to me sounds a lot like 2+2 = 5.  

The problem with this solution is it tries to evade the 'bully'.  And if you've lived long enough, you know very well you can only evade a bully for so long before they catch up to you.

I feel the real solution is having people stand up and push back.  Something that is very difficult given the social stigma surrounding NSFW content.  It's a good idea to at least acknowledge this problem by posting a couple of words on a public forum.  Comments are like a petition, while they don't immediately do anything, having a show of solidarity will have an effect at some point.  At the very minimum, it lets others know they are not alone.  It also allows big companies that may be to afraid to speak out, konw that they do have their customers support.

There is also the outright hypocrisy that should be pointed out, as sites like Only Fans (basically electronic prostitution) and anything labeled as LBGT+ always seems to get special exemption status.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to drag Only Fans or anything LGBT+ down to my level.  I'm just pointing out that if Only Fans (that is outright porn) and LBGT+ get a pass.  While completely factious illustrations usually intended for a hetero sexual male audience gets the ban hammer, if this was about saving anyone the payment processors would be going after everyone equally, regardless of social ramifications.

I hope there is enough of an outcry eventually and maybe even some lawsuits from the big companies like Pixiv.  Otherwise we will eventually move into a very regressive world where freedom of thought and expression will be strictly regulated.

Thank you for reading my rant if you made it this far.  Until next time.